To the animals: May we be forgiven. (original) (raw)


introduction: Mother nature's shopping list.

Jul. 16th, 2005 | 02:12 pm

mood: accomplishedaccomplished
music: makeshift patriot
posted by: easykarma in vegannutrition

This is the only inhabitable planet we have, do what you can to keep it clean and beautiful. Keep in mind the three R's: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Obedience to these crucial rules is essential for every person in the world.


The most important step in diminishing your negative impact on the environment is thinking before you buy. By shunning products that pollute or create waste. You lessen your ecological impact. Voice out against manufacturers that test on animals, or have non recyclable packaging, by not using the products and spreading the word to neighbors and friends about these products. You can think of this step as "_pre_cycling" avoiding wasteful products from the start.


This is a consumer's second most important step. Rather than using a product only once before recycling or discarding, reuse it as many times as possible. Keep this in mind when shopping by selecting products that can be reused. For instance, to store food in the refrigerator, purchase re-closable plastic containers instead of plastic or aluminum foil. this saves money in the long run, and precious landfill space.

Another part of reusing is buying products in recycled materials. this saves recources while stimulating the demand for recycled goods


After avoiding wasteful products and reusing as much as possible, the third alternative is recycling. It's plain to see that discarding recyclable items throws away scarce natural recourses. Recycling also creates six times as many jobs, as do landfills, or incineration plants.

in joining the crusade to save our environment, you should spread the word to family members, friends, co-workers-everybody! We are running out of time and unless everybody pitches in, we will all suffer.

--Ashley Nichole--help from Michael D. Shook.


Introduction: Mother natures shopping list.

Jul. 2nd, 2005 | 02:35 pm

mood: ecstaticecstatic
posted by: easykarma in vegannutrition

This is the only inhabitable planet we have, do what you can to keep it clean and beautiful. Keep in ming the three R's: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Obedience to these crucial rules is essential for every person in the world.


The most important step in diminishing your negative impact on the environment is thinking before you buy. By shunning products that pollute or create waste. You lessen your ecological impact.Voice out against manufacturers that test on animals, or have nonrecycleable packaging, by not using the products and spreading the word to neighbors and friends about these products. You can think of this step as "_pre_cycling" avoiding wasteful products from the start.


This is a consumer's second most important step. Rather than using a product only once before recycling or discarding, reuse it as many times as possible. Keep this in mind when shopping by selecting products that can be reused. For instance, to store food in the refrigerator, purchase a reclosable plastic containers instead of plastic or aluminum foil. this saves money in the long run, and precious landfill space.

Another part of reusing is buying products in recycled materials. this saves recources while stimulating the demand for recycled goods.


After avoiding wasteful products and reusing as much as possible, the third alternative isrecycling. It's plain to see that discarding recyclable items throws away scarce natural recources. Recycling also creates six times as many jobs, as do landfills, or incineration plants.

in joining the crucade to save our environment, you should spread the word to family members, friends, co-workers-everybody! We are running out of time and unless everybody pitches in, we will all suffer.<p<--Ashley Nichole--help from Michael D. Shook.