FULL LENGTH TALKS (original) (raw)

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FULL LENGTH TALKSJeff2021-04-01T03:16:10+00:00

These are selected full length, one-hour talks from a variety of experts, given at our Expos over the years. If you have an hour and want to really drill down on a subject, these talks are excellent and very educational.

Stop Eating Poison – John McDougall MD

John McDougall MD devised a simple system to achieve excellent health - just by focusing on “green light” foods and avoiding the “red light” ones. Dr. McDougall shows how to reverse disease and help ensure longevity - simply by eating beans, corn, pasta potatoes, rice and other starches and veggies, while avoiding or minimizing other foods that can compromise your health. [...]

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar — Physically Addictive

Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, and sugar release opiate-like substances. Dr. Barnard also discusses how industry, aided by government, exploits these natural cravings, pushing us to eat more and more unhealthy foods. A plant-based diet is the solution to avoid many of these problems. Neal Barnard is the founder [...]

Meat Industry, VegSource, and The Future

This is a talk given by VegSource's Jeff Nelson at a recent McDougall Advanced Study Weekend event. Jeff relates his family's history, the creation of VegSource 20 years ago, and where VegSource is going in the future.

Escaping The Dietary Pleasure Trap – Alan Goldhamer DC

This is the full 1-plus hour talk of Dr. Goldhamer talking about how to avoid "the pleasure trap" and insure excellent health and longevity. his is one of 14 talks from the VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2014 - you can get all the talks through immediate download or on DVD at this link: https://store.vegsource.com

Healing Rejection, Guilt & Failure – Psychologist Guy Winch

If we graze a knee, we reach for disinfectant and band-aids - but how do we heal emotional cuts and bruises? Bestselling psychologist Guy Winch offers an array of strategies for overcoming the hurts and hang-ups that hold you back, offering a tool kit for becoming more successful, productive and emotionally resilient. This is Dr. Winch's FULL TALK from the VegSource [...]

The Starch Solution – Healthiest Diet On the Planet

This truth is simple and is, therefore, easy to explain. You must eat to live. But the choice of what you eat is yours. There is an individual, specific diet that best supports the health, function, and longevity of each and every animal. The proper diet for human beings is based on starches. The more rice, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and [...]

Cancer Prevention Diet – Neal Barnard MD

Researcher Neal Barnard explains how to protect yourself from the scourge of modern life - through diet. This is Dr. Barnard FULL talk from our 2005 Healthy Lifestyle Expo. You can get this full talk on DVD - and hundreds of others - at our store: https://store.vegsource.com

Rich Roll – Finding Your Ultra

Bestselling author of the inspirational memoir - Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World’s Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself - Rich Roll tells the story of recovering his health and life - and competing in ultra marathons, with the help of a healthy plant-based diet. This is Rich's full talk from our 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Expo.

The Plant-Based Physician Farmer – Ron Weiss MD

A plant-based whole food doctor in New Jersey, Dr. Weiss prescribes the Ethos Diet – an all-organic, ecologically-sustainable, and Whole Foods Plant Based diet – as the cornerstone of his work with patients. Not only has a growing body of research indicated that a whole-foods, plant-based diet helps patients dramatically heal from chronic illness, but over the years, Dr. Weiss has [...]

Rare Talk on Longevity – John McDougall MD

Aging is a normal part of life—a process that cannot be stopped or reversed; but age-associated diseases can be prevented and our functional lifespan can be prolonged. But for how long? The maximum human lifespan is believed to be about 125 years, but so far no one for certain has reached this limit. The oldest person of authentic record was a [...]

What Animals Teach Us About Good & Evil – Jeffrey Masson PhD

What happens when a predator becomes prey? Today, the animals we have long viewed as predators – lions and tigers, bears and sharks – are in some cases on the verge of extinction. And, thanks to science, we now know that these predators are not nearly so violent or dangerous as we were once told (or continue to tell ourselves). Nevertheless, [...]

How to Succeed on a Plant Based Diet – Matt Lederman MD

Matt Lederman MD Lederman specialize in reversing disease using nutrition and lifestyle medicine. He was featured in the film Forks Over Knives and co-authored the New York Times Bestseller Forks Over Knives Plan, Forks Over Knives Family, and Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole, and The Whole Foods Diet with John Mackey. This is Matt's full talk from the 2013 Healthy [...]

Spotting Fake Health Information – Pam Popper

SPOTTING FAKE HEALTH INFORMATION - Pam Popper of the Wellness Forum explains how to avoid nutrition information. Pam teaches a healthy plant-based vegan diet. In this full length talk, she examines how the public is easily misled by forces with financial interests, and how to protect yourself. This talk comes from our 2011 Healthy Lifestyle Expo. All Expos available on DVD [...]

The Vegiterranean Diet – Julieanna Hever MS RD

THE VEGITERRANEAN DIET - How about getting all the BENEFITS of the Mediterranean Diet - without any of the drawbacks? Vegan dietitian Julieanna Hever takes the Med Diet to a whole new level in today's video. Watch and learn about the "Veg 10" - the Basics of the Vegiterranean Diet. By focusing on whole-plant foods that promote long-term wellness and ideal [...]

Plants Cure Heart Disease – Robert Ostfeld MD

Cardiologist Robert Ostfeld, MD, MSc is the founder and director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, where he encourages patients to embrace a whole-foods, plant-based diet. He earned his MD at Yale and his MSc in epidemiology at Harvard, and he is an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Albert Einstein College of [...]

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