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June 26th, 2006

purrsia @ 08:01 am: Comm redirect
Oh, as if this is a juggernaut of activity...but I'm merging this LJ with the new, general Voltron comm I recently created. VV is still very welcome there, of course, but I see no need to maintain two groups when whatever we wanted to do here can be done there.

If you are interested in following the posts over there, please visit voltron_unite. I won't be updating this LJ anymore and likely will close it after a sufficient period of time (at the very least putting it in some kind of read-only mode).

Thanks to the members here for joining and taking part. It's been real!


Current Mood: awakeawake

Current Music: Dig - Believe

Tags: merger

June 24th, 2006

purrsia @ 11:01 am: Winning Days complete

I know it's been a while since I contributed something here. But I decided to wait til I finish fan fics that are WiPs, at least, before pointing people to them. I have finished one such WiP

It's a VV based effort called Winning Days. And rather than make several long entries here (it's got 13 parts), I'll just point you to where it lives on ffnet:


Also, here is the pertinent information on it -

Title: Winning Days
Fandom: Voltron, Vehicle Team
Author: Purrsia Kat
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Violence
Start Date: September 2004
End Date: June 2006

Summary: Vehicle Voltron fiction that parellels events in the series but also rewrites major aspects of it. A Drule plot and a mystery spy aboard the Explorer may destroy the Alliance yet, with an innocent people caught in the middle. Jeff-Lisa.

Disclaimer: Voltron owned by World Events Productions (WEP). This story based on their property without permission.

There will also be a sequel to this one, too. Thanks for taking a look.


Current Mood: creativecreative

Current Music: Screaming Trees - Julie Paradise

Tags: fan fiction

January 30th, 2006

purrsia @ 01:59 pm: Fandom Awards
If anyone's still alive in here, we're nominating folks in the fandom who've produced fan works such as fics, art and sites for what will hopefully be, an annual event.

Stop by our Yahoo Group, check it out...and participate :)




Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

June 1st, 2005

purrsia @ 10:40 pm: Pimping
I guess I can update this LJ more often, eh?

So I might as well pimp my latest batch of site updates I posted a few days ago, including the updating of the vv fic I've been plugging along on. I added a bunch of improved screen caps, too.

It can all be viewed at the VV side of my site, Voltron Central.


Wow this LJ could use an overhaul. Or a fresh idea or two.


Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

October 22nd, 2004

purrsia @ 10:36 am: Free VV discs
I'm offering up a set of Vehicle Voltron avi discs - there's 11 in all - that I have as extras after making a finalized set for myself. It's not an entire set as I'm still missing a few eps, but it's free to anyone who wants 'em. They're in divx format and should play on your computer if you have a divx codec ( get one free at http://www.divx.com ) - I tested them using Windows Media Player but I imagine they'd run on any number of players.
All you have to do is be the 7th person to email me at koolbeanes@yahoo.com expressing interest in getting the discs. Why 7th? Why not...it's a fun way to make it arbitrary and a little more fair to those who might not see this posted right away. I'm going to be advertising this on a few boards, so enter asap.
Good luck to ya.


Current Mood: creativecreative

Current Music: Buffalo Tom - Rachael

September 25th, 2004

purrsia @ 04:29 pm: It's been a few days...
...so that must mean I've updated my VV page again lol
This is freaking unprecedented.

Anyway, the biggest update of note is 3 new music videos up and ready to be downloaded. I did a few other things, too, so stop on by.


I'm still plugging away at that fiction...progress is being made, at least! With any luck I'll have it ready to go for the next update!


Current Mood: geekygeeky

Current Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Knock Me Down

September 18th, 2004

purrsia @ 05:02 pm: Poor VV
In light of a recent, bigger rash of lack of respect for our poor badgered friend, VV, I have to post this here. Some of you may have seen it on the voltron.info board, I know ;)

Poor VV

Can I hear ya testify? lol!


Current Mood: amusedamused

Current Music: Sugar - Helpless

September 15th, 2004

purrsia @ 06:30 pm: VV Fiction
Just thought I'd drop a little note here to let potentially interested parties know I've penned my first VV fiction. It's not the one I've been talking about in various arenas (that's still being worked on) but rather it's a lemon I whipped up for an adult Voltron list I'm on.

But I will warn you, DO NOT click on the cut link if you are offended by adult stories (i.e. lemons, as they're known in fan fiction circles). I only hope LJ doesn't mess with the formatting like Yahoo did >.< Pasting from Word doesn't always work out so good ;)

( Blood Sugar Sex MagicCollapse )
Thanks in advance for looking ^_^


Current Mood: creativecreative

Current Music: Graffiti - Throwing Muses

September 4th, 2004

nicole3478 @ 03:15 pm: Newbie!
I'm a newbie around these parts, and this was an intro thing Purrsia said we could do, so....

  1. How long have you been a VV fan? Do you participate in other Voltron communities?
    If so, what are your screen names there?
    I have been a Vehicle Voltron fan since 2001 (Mind you, I'm only fourteen and three-fourths) I first found about VV when I was watching the 52nd episode of Lion Voltron in about 1997 or '96, whenever, and I saw them (I was about seven when I first saw them)and I'm like "Who the Hell are they?!?!" LOL. Then I saw them again in 2001 when I saw the Fleet of Doom Voltron "movie" and I'm all like "I KNOW THEM!" and then I asked my mom if she would buy me a VV tape for my birthday...Sure enough, she did. It was episodes 2, 5(?), 7, and 8.
    I do participate in one other Voltron community. It's the official Voltron board, and my username is...Well, Nicole3478. I've gone through a lot of name changes on the old board and the new board, but we won't get into that, because I don't wanna confuse anybody. ^_^

  2. Do you have a Voltron website (provide url)? Do you also dabble in fan fiction or fan art? If not, do you have a favorite site you visit (provide url)?
    No, unfortunately, I don't have a Voltron webpage. :( However, as soon as I can find SOMETHING that lets you create webpages, I'll definately make a L/VV site.
    If "dabble" means to create, then yes, I've done my fair share in the Fan Art/Fiction community for Voltron once in a while. They never really turn out too well, but hey what can I say? ;^)
    As for a favorite Votlron site...LOL, way too many to list out.

  3. Which character(s) is your favorite? Which is your least favorite and why?
    My Favorite VV characters would have to be Jeff, because he's a rebel and so am I, and he's kinda cute; and Cliff, because he's just too cute and funny when he says or does certain things (Ex: when Cric told him he falls into too many traps, and he starts to pout...Too funny)
    My favorite LV character would have to be Pidge, because he shows that kids are capable of doing anything they want!!!! LOL!
    My least favorite VV character would have to be Hutch...Because he is the most arrogant ass I have ever seen in my life. Nuff said here. Talking about him just...*Barfs*
    MY least favorite LV character HAS to be Lotor! I hate how he thinks he's better than everybody else!! Jeez, Cossack's more tolorable than he is...and Cossack's a dumbass!!!! LOL!

  4. Favorite episode or moment?
    Favorite VV episode is probably episode 25, "Just Like Earth". For some reason I like to see the main good guy and backround good guys suffer. >:-]
    Favorite LV episode would ahve to be the one where Allura's thought to be killed...But my least favorite moment about that is she comes back to life. ¬_¬

  5. Least favorite episode or moment?
    My least favorite moment of VV is when the series ended. :'(
    My least favorite episode is episode 6, when Sven is injured so bad he can't pilot Blue Lion anymore. Am I the only one who thinks either him or Romelle should pilot Blue Lion instead of Allura??

  6. Is VV better than LV or is it a draw? Why?
    I like VV better. It isn't as kiddy, and there's no annoying princess, spice miec, or nanny to get int he way of anything. Plus, the comic relief is minimal, so a funny moment is usually refreshing, and doesn't have that over-used feeling.
    However, when Lion Voltron is formed, there is more action...instead of just having "five minutes of stored nuclear energy", the fights in LV kick ass.

  7. Why do you think VV never achieved the level of popularity LV has?

  8. What would you give for WEP to release an official set of VV dvds?
    I would sell my soul, SNES, all of my rare anime's, and every single Men At Work concert from the 80s that I own!!!!

  9. Are you a fan of any other toons?
    Tiny Toon Adventures. Babs Bunny cracks me UP!!! XD

  10. Tell us anything else you think we should know about you - it can be anything from totally random to rather significant.
    I'm a massive fan of VV, so expect anything of mine to be mroe related to VV than to LV. ;-)

Current Mood: crazycrazy

Current Music: Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen

September 3rd, 2004

purrsia @ 10:58 am: Something to do in this journal!
I updated the Info page of the community to put this introductory meme...feel free to fill it out as well.

I'll get things started by doing it myself ;)

1) How long have you been a VV fan? Do you participate in other Voltron communities? If so, what are your screen names there?
Since back in the day, in the 80s. I've only recently gotten to refresh my memory of VV thanks to coming into quite a few episodes.
I skulk around the voltron.info site's message board ( http://www.voltron.info/forum/ ) after friends coldwin and cheezey brought it to my attention. I'm also Purrsia over there, which is the name I picked out for myself for the Thundercats fandom. I've gotten in the habit of carrying over with me everywhere else I go on the net.

2) Do you have a Voltron website (provide url)? Do you also dabble in fan fiction or fan art? If not, do you have a favorite site you visit (provide url)?
Yep, I recently merged the VV and LV aspects of my online Voltorn presence into one domain:
I have yet to write any Voltron fiction, though I've got a lot of ideas! I'm too swamped with Tcats projects at the moment, however, to do much with the Voltron universe. Though I have posted a few pieces of Voltron art.

My all-time favorite site is Dave Bingham's Stellar Ship Explorer:
It's back on the net after a long absence, too! The best VV resource I ever found on the net...just awesome.

3) Which character(s) is your favorite? Which is your least favorite and why? As a kid, I loved Jeff (I always had hero-worship syndrome lol) but now I tend to find Hazar more interesting.
As for least favorite, Keezor is annoying if only for his voice lol

4) Favorite episode or moment? I haven't quite seen them all, but I like the episodes the most where the good guys are put through the ringer by being injured, knocked out, or when Voltron has to fight without a piece of himself. I like the stakes high!

5) Least favorite episode or moment? As coldwin dubbed it, the "super deer" incident in "The Red Moon People"...being saved by a stag is a tad on the lame side, I have to agree. When Voltron got saved by the porpoise is a close second in lamesville lol

6) Is VV better than LV or is it a draw? Why?
I like them both about equal...I just think folks should give VV more of a chance ;) That's why I'm trying to help spread the VV love and awareness on the net!

7) Why do you think VV never achieved the level of popularity LV has?
I don't think it helped that the original running order had the two series mixed in together...kids were used to their LV fix only to get this weird vehicle version thrust upon them. Otherwise, maybe it had to do with it being more of a space opera than a magical adventure... :: shrug ::

8) What would you give for WEP to release an official set of VV dvds? My right arm hehehehe

9) Are you a fan of any other toons?
Besides the obvious (LV), I'm otherwise entrenched in Thundercats ( http://www.purrsiathunder.net ) and to a lesser extent, MOTU

10) Tell us anything else you think we should know about you - it can be anything from totally random to rather significant.
I'm licensed to carry a concealed weapon mwahahaha Carjack THIS, bitch ;)
Oh and I like cheese :)


Current Mood: bouncybouncy

Current Music: Built to Spill - Strange

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