Vesper's Icons (original) (raw)

I love icons! I always have. This is a community to house my icon creations. You are more than welcome to save them, and use them. Credit is appreciated in case others want to know where to find these, but I don't require it. I will not hunt you down or even check up on you. Should you decide to credit me, you may credit either this icon community or my personal account.. either vespers_icons or vesper_evensong is fine.

I do appreciate comments on them so I know which ones are well liked. This helps me know which types to make more.

You MAY alter them if you so desire. Once you download them - they are yours. For any other rules please check the profile of this community - THANKS!

It's been SUCH a long time since I have done much in this community - like FIVE YEARS! Heavens where has the time gone!? I think it's about time I take my hobby of icon making back up - don't you? :D

I am going to start making some icons for some holiday themes for times coming up and try to get some put up here. I'm sorry that photobucket is the way it is and the icons I stored there are all watermarked. If you're interested in any of them, please just comment and let me know because I still have them and I can get them to you.

If you have any themes or topics you'd like to see me do here - feel free to let me know.

Please vote for all of the options you'd like to see before the end of the year. I will ask again at the start of the year.

What sorts of icons shall I work on next?