Jūratė Černevičiūtė | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (original) (raw)


Papers by Jūratė Černevičiūtė

Research paper thumbnail of System Innovation Approach for Improvement of Innovation Development in Creative Industries

The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount o... more The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount of attention and resources on innovation development. As with any other activity, the development of innovation can have diverse consequences for effectiveness and efficiency. Certain companies with fewer resources perform more effectively than others. It is therefore important to innovate the process of innovation so that better effectiveness can be achieved with fewer resources. The process of innovation development is becoming much more sophisticated. Many new concepts and types of innovation have appeared, ranging from technological innovation to marketing innovation, and from closed to open innovation. A broader understanding is being gained of the concept of innovation, not only of R&D-based innovations but also creativity-based innovations such as “design-driven innovation”. In particular, the concept of innovation has changed in the context of the creative industry’s development. The development of the creative industry sector has shifted the understanding of innovation and increased the importance of the creator and creativity. The development of companies within the creative industry sector has been affected by creative solutions – one of the most critical aspects of this is to rearrange things that are already known for constructing new and original solutions/creations. This article examines how the innovation development process can be improved in order to increase efficiency and ensure the economic success of innovations developed in the creative industries. The article analyses different process improvement methods such as PDCA, DMAIC, DMADV and TOC. The strengths and weaknesses of these methods for improvement of the innovation development process are identified. Based on the analysis of existing improvement methods and the identified features of system innovation development, an innovation development improvement model was developed. An important feature of the model is the system approach, which requires a broader view of innovation development. Usually, it requires multiple skills and knowledge and can be accomplished only by a team of experts or even by multiple teams. The innovation development improvement model is presented in the article.


With the growing importance of innovations, much attention and resources are given for their deve... more With the growing importance of innovations, much attention and resources are given for their development. Innovation development is directly related to creativity. One of the branches of current research on creativity is related to the systems innovation approach where creativity is used for the integration of the existing knowledge into new combinations. Systems innovation approach examines novelty not of an individual element of the system but in the context of the whole system. Systems innovation development usually requires a broad spectrum of the knowledge and good integration abilities. Due to this, systems innovation is not an individual but a collective task that is developed by teams. Systems innovation development teams represent the collective creativity model. To stay successful with systems innovations, the teams need collective creativity skills from each member of a team and especially from team leaders. One of the key objectives pursued by higher education institutio...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity Understandings, Evolution: from Genius to Creative Systems

Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas (Lietuviškai)

Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybin... more Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybinio verslo įmonių procesų tobulinimo problematika. Šios problematikos
svarba pasireiškia tuo, jog kūrybingumas tapo labai svarbiu veiksniu tiek didelėms organizacijoms, tiek mažoms įmonėms. Daugelyje verslų kūrybingumas įgyja strateginį vaidmenį (tampa išgyvenimo gebėjimu), kai siekiama išlikti inovatyviais
ir konkurencingais. Dabarties visuomenėje gerovės kūrimas ir tvari gyvensena, produkto vertės kūrimo procesas ir gebėjimai atliepti rinkos teikiamas galimybes yra susiję su kūrybingumu.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of the understanding of innovation in the context of the development of traditional and creative industries

Research paper thumbnail of Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas

Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybin... more Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybinio verslo įmonių procesų tobulinimo problematika. Šios problematikos
svarba pasireiškia tuo, jog kūrybingumas tapo labai svarbiu veiksniu tiek didelėms organizacijoms, tiek mažoms įmonėms. Daugelyje verslų kūrybingumas įgyja strateginį vaidmenį (tampa išgyvenimo gebėjimu), kai siekiama išlikti inovatyviais
ir konkurencingais. Dabarties visuomenėje gerovės kūrimas ir tvari gyvensena, produkto vertės kūrimo procesas ir gebėjimai atliepti rinkos teikiamas galimybes yra susiję su kūrybingumu.

Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274063110_Krybinio_verslo_valdymas_proces_tobulinimas [accessed May 31, 2015].


Many studies examined the personal, social, motivational, and cognitive factors related to indivi... more Many studies examined the personal, social, motivational, and cognitive factors related to individual creativity. Genius was seen as residing in the individual (Guilford, 1967). The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisations are becoming increasingly ‘‘team’’ based and employees are spending more time working as a member of a group. Working in teams and collective creativity skills are becoming more important than job-related knowledge. (Goncalo, J. et al. 2009), (Amabile & Kramer, 2011).
One of the key objectives pursued by higher education institutions is to develop team creativity skills necessary for the innovation development. This is well in line with the creative characteristics of a new type of entrepreneur - the concept currently dominant in political and educational discourses around the globe (21st Century Skills, Education&Competitiveness, 2008).
Up to now the predominant focus of the higher education institutions has been on individual creativity skills development. Traditional educational methods such as lectures, seminars, etc. are not efficient enough for collective creativity skills development. Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach suits more for the collective creativity skills development, however, this method has its own shortcomings as this method was not targeted for creativity skills development (Haghparast et al., 2007). Based on the PBL method the Collective Creativity Training Model (CCTM) was developed, which was targeted for the collective creativity skills development. The CCTM model consists of four stages: creative task formulation; group composition/preparation; task execution; evaluation and feedback (Strazdas et al., 2013).
In order to increase the efficiency of the collective creativity skills development the CCTM model was improved by introducing blended learning approach (Staker & Horn, 2012). The authors of the article have developed a web based platform for the collective creativity process management. The developed web based platform enables students’ teams to structure and to manage the collective creativity process more efficiency. This platform also enables a teacher to monitor the students’ collective creativity process in real time and to give a feedback and assistance to them. The web based platform for the collective creativity process management and relationship with CCTM model is described in the article.
Keywords: Blended learning, collective creativity, system innovation, teamwork

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos kūrybinių ir kultūrinių industrijų konkurencingumas vidaus ir užsienio rinkoje (Lietuviškai)

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing efficiency in collective creativity

The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisat... more The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisations are becoming increasingly ‘‘team’’ based. In many cases working in teams and collective creativity skills are becoming more important than job-related knowledge. There are not many studies on how to increase the efficiency in collective creativity. The study presented in the article was conducted in two phases. The first phase of the study was aimed on the identification factors most important for the efficiency of collective creativity. The survey of 38 teams was performed. The second phase of the study is aimed at identification possible solutions/principles on how to increase the efficiency of collective creativity process. The analysis of three existing collective creativity models is conducted. Based on the findings the Simultaneous Collective Creativity (SCC) model was developed. Each step of the model is described in detail in the article.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Vilnius Creative Industries by promoting clustering

Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas -Vilniaus universiteto fakultetas įkurtas (1964 m.) ne sostinėje, ... more Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas -Vilniaus universiteto fakultetas įkurtas (1964 m.) ne sostinėje, 2004 metais kartu su Vilniaus universiteto 425-uoju įkūrimo jubiliejumi, švenčia savo įkurtuvių 40-metį. Dauguma fakulteto studentų studijuoja vadybą ir verslo administravimą, ekonomiką, finansus bei informacines technologijas, kiti gilinasi į filologines studijas -lietuvių, vokiečių, anglų ir rusų kalbas. Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas (VU KHF) yra tarptautinio mokslo darbų leidinio Verslo ir ekonomikos transformacijos įkūrėjas-leidėjas. Nuo 2004 m. VU KHF suvienijo leidybos pajėgas su VU Ekonomikos fakultetu. Universiteto tinklapis: http://www.vu.lt Brno technologijos universiteto ( Č ekijos Respublika) istorinės ištakos siekia 1849 metus, o Verslo ir vadybos fakultetas 2002 švęsdamas 10-ies metų jubiliejų, suorganizavo 10-ąją kasmetinę tarptautinę konferenciją "Verslas ir ekonomikos plėtra Centrinėje ir Rytų Europoje: ekonominės integracijos į platesnę Europą reikšmė." Dvišalė bendradarbiavimo sutartis su Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitariniu fakultetu pasirašyta 2001 metais. Universiteto tinklapis: http://www.vutbr.cz Latvijos universitetas (Latvijos Respublika) įkurtas 1862 metais. Latvijos universiteto Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetas, b ū damas didžiausiu fakultetu, u ž tikrina ekonomikos ir vadybos krypties studijas bei mokslo tyrimus, o tai sutampa su šiuolaikinės Latvijos poreikiais. Dvišalė bendradarbiavimo sutartis su Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitariniu fakultetu pasirašyta 1996 metais. Executive secretary Prof. Dr. (HP) Rasa KANAPICKIENĖ Atsakingoji sekretorė Vilnius University, Lithuania (Management and Administration, 03S) Vilniaus universitetas (Vadyba ir administravimas, 03S)

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries

Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Kūrybos verslo ir komunikacijos katedra, Saulėtekio al... more Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Kūrybos verslo ir komunikacijos katedra, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lietuva El. paštas jurate.cerneviciute@vgtu.lt Kūrybinių industrijų tema glaudžiai susijusi su meno rinkomis, kuriose taikomi įvairūs tarpininkavimo būdai. Verslumas (entrepreneurship) tradiciniame versle apibūdinamas kaip su rizika susijusi veikla, rinkos sąlygomis įgyvendinanti inovacijas ir skatinanti ekonomikos augimą. Kūrybinės industrijos pasižymi inovacijų gausa, bet jų pripažinimas yra sudėtingesnis, nes priklauso nuo kultūros pasaulio dalyvių susitarimų. Kultūros pasaulis turi savitą socialinę organizaciją, kuri susijusi su tarpininkavimo (taip pat verslumo) tipais. Straipsnyje analizuojamos verslumo sampratos tradiciniame versle ir kūrybinėse industrijose. Aptariami inovacijų ypatumai ir tarpininkavimo (taip pat verslumo) tipai. Daroma išvada, kad tarpininkavimo tipai kūrybinėse industrijose priklauso nuo kultūros pasaulio socialinės organizacijos, o patys tarpininkavimo būdai heterogeniškesni nei tradiciniame versle.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Vilnius as creative city

Urban development is increasing the ability to develop a distinct and attractive position in the ... more Urban development is increasing the ability to develop a distinct and attractive position in the world. Cities are changing their role as the cultural production sites as well as the life style and creativity become the material for the creative industries development. The creative city is understood as an urban complex, where a variety of cultural activities are an integral part of the urban economy and social life. The concept of creative city has not yet been well established: we can point to even three such concepts, highlighting different agency of the creative city – from the creative city-dwellers to the business enterprises of the creative industries. On the basis of the creative city concept, the article analyses Vilnius city, revealing the most important factors, which promote the creativity of the city: the organizations and activities of Arts category; business enterprises and projects of Media category; active creative and civil communities of the city. The activity of the creative communities takes on an expression in the forms of emerging cultural districts in Užupis, Naujamiestis and Pilaitė. The above-mentioned activities of the categories of creative industries are illustrated on the basis of the data, collected under the development of The Map of Vilnius Creative Industries. The article concludes that the weakest activity in Vilnius city is the economic clustering of the business enterprises of creative industries.Miestų raida vis labiau priklauso nuo gebėjimo plėtoti aiškią ir patrauklią laikyseną pasaulyje. Miestai tampa kultūros gamybos centrais, o miestiečių gyvensena ir kūrybiškumas – medžiaga kūrybinių industrijų plėtrai. Kūrybinis miestas suprantamas kaip miesto kompleksas, kuriame įvairios kultūrinės veiklos neatsiejamos nuo miesto ekonomikos ir socialinio gyvenimo. Kūrybinio miesto samprata iki šiol nėra nusistovėjusi: galima išskirti net tris tokias sampratas, išryškinančias skirtingus kūrybinio miesto veiksnius – pradedant kūrybingais miestiečiais, baigiant kūrybinių industrijų verslo įmonėmis. Remiantis kūrybinio miesto samprata, straipsnyje analizuojamas Vilnius, išryškinami svarbiausi miesto kūrybingumą skatinantys veiksniai: menų kategorijos organizacijos ir veiklos; medijų kategorijos verslo įmonės ir renginiai; aktyvios miesto kūrybinės ir pilietinės bendruomenės. Kūrybinių bendruomenių aktyvumas konkrečią išraišką įgauna mieste besiformuojančių kultūros kvartaų pavidalu Užupyje, Naujamiestyje ir Pilaitėje. Minėtų kūrybinių industrijų kategorijų veiklos iliustruojamos duomenimis, kurie buvo surinkti rengiant Vilniaus kūrybinių industrijų žemėlapį. Straipsnyje daroma išvada, kad silpniausiai mieste vyksta ekonominė kūrybinių industrijų įmoni ų klasterizacija.

Research paper thumbnail of System Innovation Approach for Improvement of Innovation Development in Creative Industries

The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount o... more The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount of attention and resources on innovation development. As with any other activity, the development of innovation can have diverse consequences for effectiveness and efficiency. Certain companies with fewer resources perform more effectively than others. It is therefore important to innovate the process of innovation so that better effectiveness can be achieved with fewer resources. The process of innovation development is becoming much more sophisticated. Many new concepts and types of innovation have appeared, ranging from technological innovation to marketing innovation, and from closed to open innovation. A broader understanding is being gained of the concept of innovation, not only of R&D-based innovations but also creativity-based innovations such as “design-driven innovation”. In particular, the concept of innovation has changed in the context of the creative industry’s development. The development of the creative industry sector has shifted the understanding of innovation and increased the importance of the creator and creativity. The development of companies within the creative industry sector has been affected by creative solutions – one of the most critical aspects of this is to rearrange things that are already known for constructing new and original solutions/creations. This article examines how the innovation development process can be improved in order to increase efficiency and ensure the economic success of innovations developed in the creative industries. The article analyses different process improvement methods such as PDCA, DMAIC, DMADV and TOC. The strengths and weaknesses of these methods for improvement of the innovation development process are identified. Based on the analysis of existing improvement methods and the identified features of system innovation development, an innovation development improvement model was developed. An important feature of the model is the system approach, which requires a broader view of innovation development. Usually, it requires multiple skills and knowledge and can be accomplished only by a team of experts or even by multiple teams. The innovation development improvement model is presented in the article.


With the growing importance of innovations, much attention and resources are given for their deve... more With the growing importance of innovations, much attention and resources are given for their development. Innovation development is directly related to creativity. One of the branches of current research on creativity is related to the systems innovation approach where creativity is used for the integration of the existing knowledge into new combinations. Systems innovation approach examines novelty not of an individual element of the system but in the context of the whole system. Systems innovation development usually requires a broad spectrum of the knowledge and good integration abilities. Due to this, systems innovation is not an individual but a collective task that is developed by teams. Systems innovation development teams represent the collective creativity model. To stay successful with systems innovations, the teams need collective creativity skills from each member of a team and especially from team leaders. One of the key objectives pursued by higher education institutio...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity Understandings, Evolution: from Genius to Creative Systems

Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas (Lietuviškai)

Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybin... more Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybinio verslo įmonių procesų tobulinimo problematika. Šios problematikos
svarba pasireiškia tuo, jog kūrybingumas tapo labai svarbiu veiksniu tiek didelėms organizacijoms, tiek mažoms įmonėms. Daugelyje verslų kūrybingumas įgyja strateginį vaidmenį (tampa išgyvenimo gebėjimu), kai siekiama išlikti inovatyviais
ir konkurencingais. Dabarties visuomenėje gerovės kūrimas ir tvari gyvensena, produkto vertės kūrimo procesas ir gebėjimai atliepti rinkos teikiamas galimybes yra susiję su kūrybingumu.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of the understanding of innovation in the context of the development of traditional and creative industries

Research paper thumbnail of Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas

Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybin... more Šioje monografijoje yra nagrinėjama tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu labai aktuali kūrybinio verslo įmonių procesų tobulinimo problematika. Šios problematikos
svarba pasireiškia tuo, jog kūrybingumas tapo labai svarbiu veiksniu tiek didelėms organizacijoms, tiek mažoms įmonėms. Daugelyje verslų kūrybingumas įgyja strateginį vaidmenį (tampa išgyvenimo gebėjimu), kai siekiama išlikti inovatyviais
ir konkurencingais. Dabarties visuomenėje gerovės kūrimas ir tvari gyvensena, produkto vertės kūrimo procesas ir gebėjimai atliepti rinkos teikiamas galimybes yra susiję su kūrybingumu.

Kūrybinio verslo valdymas: procesų tobulinimas. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274063110_Krybinio_verslo_valdymas_proces_tobulinimas [accessed May 31, 2015].


Many studies examined the personal, social, motivational, and cognitive factors related to indivi... more Many studies examined the personal, social, motivational, and cognitive factors related to individual creativity. Genius was seen as residing in the individual (Guilford, 1967). The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisations are becoming increasingly ‘‘team’’ based and employees are spending more time working as a member of a group. Working in teams and collective creativity skills are becoming more important than job-related knowledge. (Goncalo, J. et al. 2009), (Amabile & Kramer, 2011).
One of the key objectives pursued by higher education institutions is to develop team creativity skills necessary for the innovation development. This is well in line with the creative characteristics of a new type of entrepreneur - the concept currently dominant in political and educational discourses around the globe (21st Century Skills, Education&Competitiveness, 2008).
Up to now the predominant focus of the higher education institutions has been on individual creativity skills development. Traditional educational methods such as lectures, seminars, etc. are not efficient enough for collective creativity skills development. Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach suits more for the collective creativity skills development, however, this method has its own shortcomings as this method was not targeted for creativity skills development (Haghparast et al., 2007). Based on the PBL method the Collective Creativity Training Model (CCTM) was developed, which was targeted for the collective creativity skills development. The CCTM model consists of four stages: creative task formulation; group composition/preparation; task execution; evaluation and feedback (Strazdas et al., 2013).
In order to increase the efficiency of the collective creativity skills development the CCTM model was improved by introducing blended learning approach (Staker & Horn, 2012). The authors of the article have developed a web based platform for the collective creativity process management. The developed web based platform enables students’ teams to structure and to manage the collective creativity process more efficiency. This platform also enables a teacher to monitor the students’ collective creativity process in real time and to give a feedback and assistance to them. The web based platform for the collective creativity process management and relationship with CCTM model is described in the article.
Keywords: Blended learning, collective creativity, system innovation, teamwork

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos kūrybinių ir kultūrinių industrijų konkurencingumas vidaus ir užsienio rinkoje (Lietuviškai)

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing efficiency in collective creativity

The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisat... more The process of new product development often requires diverse knowledge and skills. The organisations are becoming increasingly ‘‘team’’ based. In many cases working in teams and collective creativity skills are becoming more important than job-related knowledge. There are not many studies on how to increase the efficiency in collective creativity. The study presented in the article was conducted in two phases. The first phase of the study was aimed on the identification factors most important for the efficiency of collective creativity. The survey of 38 teams was performed. The second phase of the study is aimed at identification possible solutions/principles on how to increase the efficiency of collective creativity process. The analysis of three existing collective creativity models is conducted. Based on the findings the Simultaneous Collective Creativity (SCC) model was developed. Each step of the model is described in detail in the article.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Vilnius Creative Industries by promoting clustering

Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas -Vilniaus universiteto fakultetas įkurtas (1964 m.) ne sostinėje, ... more Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas -Vilniaus universiteto fakultetas įkurtas (1964 m.) ne sostinėje, 2004 metais kartu su Vilniaus universiteto 425-uoju įkūrimo jubiliejumi, švenčia savo įkurtuvių 40-metį. Dauguma fakulteto studentų studijuoja vadybą ir verslo administravimą, ekonomiką, finansus bei informacines technologijas, kiti gilinasi į filologines studijas -lietuvių, vokiečių, anglų ir rusų kalbas. Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas (VU KHF) yra tarptautinio mokslo darbų leidinio Verslo ir ekonomikos transformacijos įkūrėjas-leidėjas. Nuo 2004 m. VU KHF suvienijo leidybos pajėgas su VU Ekonomikos fakultetu. Universiteto tinklapis: http://www.vu.lt Brno technologijos universiteto ( Č ekijos Respublika) istorinės ištakos siekia 1849 metus, o Verslo ir vadybos fakultetas 2002 švęsdamas 10-ies metų jubiliejų, suorganizavo 10-ąją kasmetinę tarptautinę konferenciją "Verslas ir ekonomikos plėtra Centrinėje ir Rytų Europoje: ekonominės integracijos į platesnę Europą reikšmė." Dvišalė bendradarbiavimo sutartis su Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitariniu fakultetu pasirašyta 2001 metais. Universiteto tinklapis: http://www.vutbr.cz Latvijos universitetas (Latvijos Respublika) įkurtas 1862 metais. Latvijos universiteto Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetas, b ū damas didžiausiu fakultetu, u ž tikrina ekonomikos ir vadybos krypties studijas bei mokslo tyrimus, o tai sutampa su šiuolaikinės Latvijos poreikiais. Dvišalė bendradarbiavimo sutartis su Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitariniu fakultetu pasirašyta 1996 metais. Executive secretary Prof. Dr. (HP) Rasa KANAPICKIENĖ Atsakingoji sekretorė Vilnius University, Lithuania (Management and Administration, 03S) Vilniaus universitetas (Vadyba ir administravimas, 03S)

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries

Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Kūrybos verslo ir komunikacijos katedra, Saulėtekio al... more Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Kūrybos verslo ir komunikacijos katedra, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lietuva El. paštas jurate.cerneviciute@vgtu.lt Kūrybinių industrijų tema glaudžiai susijusi su meno rinkomis, kuriose taikomi įvairūs tarpininkavimo būdai. Verslumas (entrepreneurship) tradiciniame versle apibūdinamas kaip su rizika susijusi veikla, rinkos sąlygomis įgyvendinanti inovacijas ir skatinanti ekonomikos augimą. Kūrybinės industrijos pasižymi inovacijų gausa, bet jų pripažinimas yra sudėtingesnis, nes priklauso nuo kultūros pasaulio dalyvių susitarimų. Kultūros pasaulis turi savitą socialinę organizaciją, kuri susijusi su tarpininkavimo (taip pat verslumo) tipais. Straipsnyje analizuojamos verslumo sampratos tradiciniame versle ir kūrybinėse industrijose. Aptariami inovacijų ypatumai ir tarpininkavimo (taip pat verslumo) tipai. Daroma išvada, kad tarpininkavimo tipai kūrybinėse industrijose priklauso nuo kultūros pasaulio socialinės organizacijos, o patys tarpininkavimo būdai heterogeniškesni nei tradiciniame versle.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Vilnius as creative city

Urban development is increasing the ability to develop a distinct and attractive position in the ... more Urban development is increasing the ability to develop a distinct and attractive position in the world. Cities are changing their role as the cultural production sites as well as the life style and creativity become the material for the creative industries development. The creative city is understood as an urban complex, where a variety of cultural activities are an integral part of the urban economy and social life. The concept of creative city has not yet been well established: we can point to even three such concepts, highlighting different agency of the creative city – from the creative city-dwellers to the business enterprises of the creative industries. On the basis of the creative city concept, the article analyses Vilnius city, revealing the most important factors, which promote the creativity of the city: the organizations and activities of Arts category; business enterprises and projects of Media category; active creative and civil communities of the city. The activity of the creative communities takes on an expression in the forms of emerging cultural districts in Užupis, Naujamiestis and Pilaitė. The above-mentioned activities of the categories of creative industries are illustrated on the basis of the data, collected under the development of The Map of Vilnius Creative Industries. The article concludes that the weakest activity in Vilnius city is the economic clustering of the business enterprises of creative industries.Miestų raida vis labiau priklauso nuo gebėjimo plėtoti aiškią ir patrauklią laikyseną pasaulyje. Miestai tampa kultūros gamybos centrais, o miestiečių gyvensena ir kūrybiškumas – medžiaga kūrybinių industrijų plėtrai. Kūrybinis miestas suprantamas kaip miesto kompleksas, kuriame įvairios kultūrinės veiklos neatsiejamos nuo miesto ekonomikos ir socialinio gyvenimo. Kūrybinio miesto samprata iki šiol nėra nusistovėjusi: galima išskirti net tris tokias sampratas, išryškinančias skirtingus kūrybinio miesto veiksnius – pradedant kūrybingais miestiečiais, baigiant kūrybinių industrijų verslo įmonėmis. Remiantis kūrybinio miesto samprata, straipsnyje analizuojamas Vilnius, išryškinami svarbiausi miesto kūrybingumą skatinantys veiksniai: menų kategorijos organizacijos ir veiklos; medijų kategorijos verslo įmonės ir renginiai; aktyvios miesto kūrybinės ir pilietinės bendruomenės. Kūrybinių bendruomenių aktyvumas konkrečią išraišką įgauna mieste besiformuojančių kultūros kvartaų pavidalu Užupyje, Naujamiestyje ir Pilaitėje. Minėtų kūrybinių industrijų kategorijų veiklos iliustruojamos duomenimis, kurie buvo surinkti rengiant Vilniaus kūrybinių industrijų žemėlapį. Straipsnyje daroma išvada, kad silpniausiai mieste vyksta ekonominė kūrybinių industrijų įmoni ų klasterizacija.