(no title) (original) (raw)

Hi, I'm new to this, actually never posted anything in a community before...anyway on to the intro bit...

1 a) How old are you now? 25
1 b) Male or female? female
2. a) If unmarried, are you a virgin? yes
3. What are/were your reasons for waiting? umm...never had the opportunity to lose it
4. Does your faith play a factor in your decision? not at all, i'm not religious and never plan on getting married, i just haven't found the right guy i guess
5a. Are you a complete virgin almost- I kissed a boy when i was 7. The last time i was kissed i was about 11 so i guess you could say i'm a complete virgin, never had a proper kiss
5b. Have you actually had the opportunity to go further than you have, had you chosen to do so? no
6. Do you regret any of the physical involvement/lack thereof that you may have had. no
7. What are you waiting for. For the most part: for a guy to actually be interested in me...at least a guy that i'm interested in aswell
8. What do you feel is/was the hardest part of remaining true to your decision to wait? The hardest part is feeling quite alone and like I'm a total freak
9. If you could say one thing to older virgins out there, what would it be? not to worry so much about still being a virgin
10. Tell us something about you (interests, beliefs, favo(u)rites) that will help us get to know you better. I'm obsessed with music...i'm quite unusual i suppose... :)