Dorob National Park (original) (raw)

Natural features: The Atlantic coastline, gravel plains, sandy beaches with dune hummocks. Extensive lichen fields.

Vegetation: Namib Desert Biome.

Vegetation types: Central Desert. Pencil bush (Arthraerua leubnitzia), dollar bush (Zygophyllum stapfii), lichens, shepherd’s tree (Boscia albitrunca), welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis).

Wildlife: Springbok, black-backed jackal, Cape fur seal, brown hyaena, gemsbok. The 270 bird species recorded here include Damara Tern, Ludwig’s Bustard and Rüppell’s

Key management issues: Off-road driving is a major concern, particularly with regard to the uncontrolled use of 4×4 vehicles and quad-bikes. This leads to physical degradation and the destruction of unique habitats, especially of highly fragile lichen fields and breeding areas of endangered species, such as Damara Terns.

Tracks leave scars that can remain for centuries, affecting the aesthetic qualities of the dunes and the surrounding gravel plains, and reducing the attractiveness of the area as a recreational destination. Littering of the beaches and the desert due to increasing tourism is a general problem. Camping outside of designated areas occurs during peak holiday periods.

Future plans: The status of the area will be upgraded to that of a national park, and will be managed with the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund area, which will also be proclaimed. This will result in the creation of a mega-park, protecting the entire Namibian coastline.