Naute Recreation Resort (original) (raw)

Natural features: Dominated by grassy plains with small shrub species. Trees grow in river washes. The dam has several sandy shores, shallow bays and islands.

Vegetation: Nama Karoo Biome.

Vegetation types: Dwarf Shrub Savannah, Karas Dwarf Shrubland. Camel-thorn (Acacia erioloba), sweet-thorn (Acacia karroo), water acacia (Acacia nebrownii), wild tamarisk (Tamarix usneoides), trumpet-thorn (Catophractes alexandri) and quiver tree (Aloe dichotoma).

Wildlife: Gemsbok, springbok, klipspringer, steenbok, duiker. The 164 bird species recorded include African Spoonbill, South African Shelduck, African Fish-Eagle, and African White Pelican.

Tourism: Camping, angling and boating permits are obtained from the MET. Campsites with ablution facilities and a kiosk (under NamWater concession). With the exception of a small area along the southern bank of the dam, the game park is closed to the public.

Key management issues: Littering, chopping of trees and disturbance to game and birds by humans is a problems. MET staff do not have jurisdiction in all areas of the park. People enter illegally to reach angling areas. Poaching has been a problem in the past due to secondary roads bordering the park. Snares and traps are sometimes found, but good law enforcement has controlled poaching. The staff infrastructure is limited. There is no permanent electricity supply and water is transported 15 km by vehicle.

Future plans: Possible management with the neighbouring Gawachab Conservancy is envisaged, as well as the development of a 600-hectare area on the southern bank for tourism purposes.