Lutz, Catherine (original) (raw)

I have researched and taught in a number of areas, including militarization and its shaping of social life beyond the battlefield, the car and its place in US culture, cultural understandings of the emotions, popular photography and ideas of race and gender in the U.S., and changes in local democracy with economic restructuring in the last part of the 20th century.

Each of these diverse subjects share relevance to the question of how to better understand power and inequality as they are culturally articulated. For the last 25 years, my research has focused on questions of militaries, war, and society. Through research around military bases in North Carolina, Guam, Okinawa, South Korea, and the Philippines, I have examined the impact of military spending and military practice on communities in political economic and cultural historical perspective and co-direct a large collaborative project on the costs of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan is ongoing ( With an interest in the relevance of anthropological research for social change efforts, some of my research has been conducted for service and activist organizations, including the United Nations, Guam's criminal justice system, a domestic violence shelter, Cultural Survival, and the American Friends Service Committee.

The Empire of Choice and the Emergence of Military Dissent. In John Collins and Carol Granahan, eds. Ethnographies of US Empire. Durham: Duke University Press, in press (with Matthew Gutmann).

The Car and the City. In Donald Nonini, ed. A Companion to Urban Anthropology. New York: Blackwell, in press.

Marketing Car Love in an Age of Fear: An Anthropological Approach to the Emotional Life of a World of Automobiles. Etnografica, in press.

Forward. La afectividad en antropología: una estructura ausente. Edith Caldero Rivera. Mexico City: CIESAS y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2012.

Anthropologia com emocao. Entrevista. Mana, 2012, 8 (1): 213-24.

War. In The Anthropology of Morality. Didier Fassin, ed. New York: Blackwell, 2012 (with Kathleen Millar).

A Military History of the American Suburbs, the Discipline of Economics, and All Things Ordinary. Antipode, 2011, 43 (2): 900-906.

Breaking Ranks: Iraq Veterans Speak Out Against the War (with Matthew Gutmann). Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010.

Carjacked: The Culture of the Automobile and its Effect on Our Lives (with Anne Fernandez-Carol). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

US Military Bases in Guam in Global Perspective. Japan Focus, July 2010.

Introduction: Bases, Empire, and Global Response. In C. Lutz, ed. The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against US Military Posts (ed.). London: Pluto Press, 2009.

Becoming Monsters in Iraq: Civilian Casualties and PTSD among US Veterans. Anthropology Now, April 2009, 1 (1): 12-20 (with Matthew Gutmann).

U.S. Foreign Military Bases: The Edge and Essence of Empire. In Ida Susser and Jeffrey Maskovsky, eds. Rethinking America. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, 2009.

Warmaking as the American Way of Life. In Hugh Gusterson and Catherine Besteman, eds. The Insecure American. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Anthropology in an Era of Permanent War. Anthropologica, 2009, 51: 367-79.

Notes on Criminal and Civil Rates and the Military Buildup-related Population Growth on Guam. Prepared for Guam Attorney General Alicia Limtiaco, June 22, 2009.

Conduct and Discipline in UN Peacekeeping Operations: Culture, Political Economy and Gender (with Matthew Gutmann and Keith Brown). Report submitted to the Conduct and Discipline Unit, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations, October 19, 2009.

Network of Concerned Anthropologists, The Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual or, Notes on Demilitarizing American Society. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2009.

The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against US Military Posts (ed). London: Pluto Press (and the Transnational Institute) and New York: New York University Press, 2009.

Assessment of Methodology and Results of "Judiciary of Guam Facilities Master Plan." Prepared for the Chief Justice of the Guam Supreme Court, June 8, 2009.

The Military Normal. In Network of Concerned Anthropologists, The Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual or, Notes on Demilitarizing American Society. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2009.

Grunt Lit: The Participant Observers of Empire. American Ethnologist, 2007, 34 (2): 322-28 (with Keith Brown).

Local Democracy under Siege: Activism, Public Interests, and Private Politics (with Dorothy Holland, Donald Nonini, Marla Frederick, Thaddeus Guldbrandsen, Enrique Murillo, and Lesley Bartlett). New York: New York University Press, 2007.

Emocoes e guerras: da Micronesia as bases militares americanas: Entrevista com Catherine Lutz. Etnografica, 2007, 11 (2): 473-85.

Empire Is in the Details. American Ethnologist, 2006, 33 (4): 593-611.

War Casualties on the Domestic Front. Women's Review of Books, February 2004.

Militarization. In David Nugent and Joan Vincent, eds. A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics. New York: Blackwell, 2004.

Afterword. In Conerly Casey and Robert Edgerton, eds. A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change. New York: Blackwell Press, 2004.

Hidden Casualties. Southern Exposure, Spring, 2003, 31: 25-31 (with Jon Elliston).

Citizenship in Emergency: A Response. Boston Review, October/November 2002.

Making War at Home in the United States: Militarization and the Current Crisis. American Anthropologist, 2002, 104 (3): 723-35.

Acknowledging the Anthony Leeds Prize in Urban Anthropology, 2002. City and Society, 2003, 15 (1): 135-137.

The Wars Less Known. South Atlantic Quarterly, 2002, 101 (2): 285-96.

The Costs of War since 2001: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Eisenhower Study Group. Eisenhower Research Project, Watson Institute for International Studies, June 2011. With website at

Homefront: A Military City and the American 20th Century. Boston: Beacon Press (with photographs by elin o'Hara slavick), 2001.

Feminist Emotions. In Jeannette Mageo, ed. The Self and Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Excessive States. Real, 2000, 16: 53-68 (with Thomas Chivens).

Ethnography at the War Century's End. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (Special issue, "Ethnography: Reflections at the Century's End"), 1999, 28 (6): 610-19.

The Economies of Violence and the Violence of Economies. In Henrietta Moore, ed., Anthropological Theory Today. London: Polity Press, 1999 (with Donald Nonini).

Discipline, the Uniform, and Citizenship: High School Military Training, Then and Now. The Urban Review, 1998, 30: 119-36 (with Lesley Bartlett).

The Psychological Ethic and the Spirit of Containment. Public Culture, 1997, 9 (2): 135-59.

Unfenced Constructivisms. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1996, 10 (1): 97-103.

Intentionality, Race, and Evolutionism in Photographs of 'Non-Westerners'. In L. Rosen, ed. Other Intentions: Cultural Contexts and the Attribution of Inner States. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 1995.

The Gender of Theory. In Ruth Behar and Deborah Gordon, eds., Women Writing Culture/Culture Writing Women. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

Making Soldiers in the Public Schools: An Analysis of the Army JROTC Curriculum. Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, 1995 (with Lesley Bartlett).

Warring Emotions: The Cultural Contradictions of Emotion in Modern Warfare. In C. Ellis and M. Flaherty, eds. Social Perspectives on Emotion. Vol. 3, pp. 15-31. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1995.

Archaeology Deployed for the Gulf War. Critique of Anthropology, 1994, 14 (3):263-84 (with Susan Pollock).

New Directions in Psychological Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ed. with Theodore Schwartz and Geoffrey White), 1993.

Reading National Geographic (with Jane Collins). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993; Turkish translation, 2005, Polish translation, 2011).

Language and the Politics of Emotion (ed. with Lila Abu Lughod). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.

La dépression est-elle universelle? Préface de Vinciane Despret, "Quest-ce que l'ethnopsychologie?" Les empêcheurs de penser en rond. Paris: Le Seuil, 2004. (Translation and analysis of 1985 essay "Depression and the Translation of Emotional Worlds")

Micronesia as Strategic Colony: The Impact of U. S. Policy on Micronesian Health and Culture (ed.). Cambridge: Cultural Survival Occasional Papers, 1984.