Italian Serie A2 1991/92 » classification :: Volleybox (original) (raw)

Jockey Fas Schio

Jockey Fas Schio

30.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 1st place is 10.00, so 3.00 x 10.00 = 30.00 points

Centro Matic Prato

Centro Matic Prato

24.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 2nd place is 8.00, so 3.00 x 8.00 = 24.00 points

S.S. Lazio Pallavolo

S.S. Lazio Pallavolo

18.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 3rd place is 6.00, so 3.00 x 6.00 = 18.00 points

Fochi Bologna

Fochi Bologna

15.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 4th place is 5.00, so 3.00 x 5.00 = 15.00 points

Moka Rica Forlì

Moka Rica Forlì

13.50 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 5th place is 4.50, so 3.00 x 4.50 = 13.50 points

Prep Reggio Emilia

Prep Reggio Emilia

12.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 6th place is 4.00, so 3.00 x 4.00 = 12.00 points

Banca Popolare di Sassari Sant'Antioco

San Giorgio Mestre

San Giorgio Mestre

9.60 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 8th place is 3.20, so 3.00 x 3.20 = 9.60 points

Brondi Asti

Brondi Asti

8.70 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 9th place is 2.90, so 3.00 x 2.90 = 8.70 points

Volley Team Agrigento

Volley Team Agrigento

7.20 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 11th place is 2.40, so 3.00 x 2.40 = 7.20 points

Monteco Ferrara

Monteco Ferrara

6.60 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 12th place is 2.20, so 3.00 x 2.20 = 6.60 points

Com Cavi Sparanise

Com Cavi Sparanise

6.00 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 13th place is 2.00, so 3.00 x 2.00 = 6.00 points

Carifano Gibam Fano

Carifano Gibam Fano

5.40 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 14th place is 1.80, so 3.00 x 1.80 = 5.40 points

Volley Club Jesi

Volley Club Jesi

4.80 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 15th place is 1.60, so 3.00 x 1.60 = 4.80 points

Gividì Milano

Gividì Milano

4.50 points to ranking

Tournament Italian Serie A2 has rank 3.00 ratio for 16th place is 1.50, so 3.00 x 1.50 = 4.50 points