Register To Vote From Abroad (original) (raw)

Request Your 2024 Ballot

Step 1: Contact Information

First, the form asks for your email to ensure your local election official can contact you with any follow-up

Request Your 2024 Ballot

Most U.S. citizens living outside the United States are eligible to vote absentee!

The first step is to register via a special federal form for overseas voters, and we are here to help.

This form takes 5-7 minutes to fill out, and you will need:

We recommend that you submit a new form (called an FPCA) every calendar year — and each time you move to a new address.

Most U.S. citizens living outside the United States are eligible to vote absentee!

The first step is to register via a special federal form for overseas voters, and we are here to help.

This form takes 5-7 minutes to fill out, and you will need:

We recommend that you submit a new form (called an FPCA) every calendar year — and each time you move to a new address.

What's your name and date of birth?

Birth date (MM/DD/YYYY)*

MM slash DD slash YYYY

How would you like to receive your voting materials?

We strongly recommend you choose “email or online” to make sure you get your blank ballot in a timely manner. You will always have the option to print out the ballot and return it by postal mail. Some states also give you the option to return the ballot electronically too.

Where are you living now?

Your election official will need to confirm that you are living abroad, even if you elect to receive your blank ballot electronically.

Confirm your U.S. Voting Address

Your U.S. voting address is used to determine where you are eligible to vote absentee.

Please confirm your voting jurisdiction*


U.S. Voting County Long Name*


U.S. Voting Office Location Info

Registration Status

Additional Information

Additional Information

Puerto Rico additionally requires your parents' first names for further verification


[Dev] Scan-Required States


[Dev] Scan-Required Jurisdictions


[Dev] Mail-Required States


[Dev] Mail-Required Jurisdictions


[Dev] New Reg, Print-Only States


[Dev] Updating Reg, Print-Only States


[Dev] New Reg, Scan-Only Juris


[Dev] Updating Reg, Scan-Only Juris

Additional information your local election office may require

Additional ways for your election office to contact you


State officials require your Social Security Number to verify your identity.

The Center for U.S. Voters Abroad Turnout Project does not store this data and will erase it shortly after you complete this form.


[DEV] Full SSN States (JSON)

Social Security Number*

Required for New Mexico, Tennessee, and Virginia

Last four digits of your Social Security Number*

State officials require your Driver's License or State ID number to verify your identity.

The Center for U.S. Voters Abroad Turnout Project does not store this data and will erase it shortly after you complete this form.

Driver’s License or State ID Number*

Required for North Dakota

Your state does not require identity verification.

You may proceed to the next step!

Almost Done! Please review the information you entered.

  1. Personal Information Edit Email Address {Email:26} Name Prefix: {Full Name (Prefix):39.2} First name: {Full Name (First):39.3} Middle name: {Full Name (Middle):39.4} Last name: {Full Name (Last):39.6} Suffix: {Full Name (Suffix):39.8} Previous names: {Previous names (leave empty if none):9} Birth date {Birth date (MM/DD/YYYY):12}
  2. Address Edit Ballot Delivery Preference: {A. How do you want to receive voting materials from your election office?:31} Your current residential address: {Your mailing address (Street Address):23.1}
    {Your mailing address (Address Line 2):23.2}
    {Your mailing address (City):23.3}, {Your mailing address (State / Province):23.4} {Your mailing address (ZIP / Postal Code):23.5}
    {Your mailing address (Country):23.6} Your current mailing (or mail forwarding) address: {Your mail forwarding address (Street Address):24.1}
    {Your mail forwarding address (Address Line 2):24.2}
    {Your mail forwarding address (City):24.3}, {Your mail forwarding address (State / Province):24.4} {Your mail forwarding address (ZIP / Postal Code):24.5}
    {Your mail forwarding address (Country):24.6} Your U.S. Voting Address: {US Address (Street Address):18.1}
    {US Address (Address Line 2):18.2}
    {US Address (City):18.3}, {US Address (State / Province):18.4} {US Zip:18.5}
    {US Address (Country):18.6}
    {U.S. Voting County Long Name:98}
  3. Additional Information Edit Voting Classification I have never lived in the United States. Political Party {What is your political party for primary elections?:32} Phone Number {Additional ways for your election office to contact you:27} Identity Verification Edit Social Security Number {Last four digits of your Social Security Number:77} {Social Security Number:11} N/A Driver's License or state ID {Driver’s License or State ID Number:105}

Preview your FPCA application below.

Sensitive information such as your SSN and ID/Driver's License will not be shown.

Your jurisdiction requires you to print and mail your application.

Double-check that {Email:26} is your correct email address, and when ready, click below to generate your PDF and receive delivery instructions.

We work with local election officials across the country, and unfortunately we’ve gotten feedback from your jurisdiction that while they will accept the form via email, they are still requiring you to print out and sign the form in ink (a “wet signature”). We know that requiring a printer is an added inconvenience, and we are actively working to make this process easier.

Please read and agree to the statement below

Clicking the button above will directly send an email to your election official with your form attached and with your email address cc'd. If you would prefer to print and mail or fax the form yourself, click here.

Double check that {Email:26} is your correct email address, and when ready, click below to generate your pdf and delivery instructions and have them sent to your inbox.


This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.