Mesoamerica – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Category Archives: Mesoamerica

¿Donde Estan Mis Hijos?

La Llorona, most literally “The Crier,” but more often translated as the Weeping or Wailing Woman, is one of the most famous Mexican ghosts, but as with most folklore, there are several different versions of her story. What’s consistent is … Continue reading →

Posted in Aztec, Colonization of America, Greek Mythology, History, Mesoamerica, Monsters, Mythology, Native American, Urban Legends | Tagged chihuicoatl, dona marina, ghosts, hera, hernan cortes, la llorona, la maliche, lamia, medea, mixcoatl, zeus |

Bread Dead Redemption

Today is All Souls’ Day in the Catholic liturgical calendar, and the Day of the Dead in Mexico (which I think is actually two days; this is the second one). I never knew that much about either holiday, but I … Continue reading →

Posted in Authors, Aztec, Catholicism, Celtic, Christianity, Discworld, Eastern Orthodox, Halloween, History, Holidays, Mesoamerica, Middle Ages, Mythology, Native American, Religion, Roman, Terry Pratchett | Tagged all saints day, all souls day, calevara, chimalma, day of the dead, dia de muertos, diego rivera, jose guadalupe posado, la calavera catrina, lemuralia, mictecacihuatl, mixcoatl, pan de muerto, purgatory, quetzalcoatl, samhain, skeletons, skulls, soul cake duck, soul cake tuesday, soul cakes, souling, sugar skulls, trick or treat |

I Have Learned the Value of Human Sacrifice

Human sacrifice is a quite controversial subject, as a lot of the information we have on it was provided by enemy cultures that might have been trying to slander other groups. It kind of seemed to me that people who … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Mesoamerica, Middle East, Mythology, Religion, Roman Empire | Tagged abraham, agamemnon, aztecs, bible, genesis, genocide, holy war, human sacrifice, iphigenia, isaac, jephthah, phoenicia, ritual, sacrifice |


Cinco de Mayo has caught the public attention here in the States in recent years, but I don’t know how many people actually realize what it’s celebrating. I get the impression that it’s mostly just an excuse to drink, essentially … Continue reading →

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Sacrificed

Hey, isn’t there some kind of big sporting event tomorrow/today? Seriously, I find that Superbowl time is a good opportunity to go out, since there aren’t any crowds. This year, though, I’m working at the time. I wonder if the … Continue reading →

Posted in Aztec, Board Games, Colonization of America, Games, History, Mesoamerica, Mythology, Native American, Sports | Tagged american football, codex magliabechiano, human sacrifice, macuilxochitl, patolli, ullamaliztli, xochipilli |