aaron – VoVatia (original) (raw)

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Magic

The word “magic,” with or without the K at the end that Aleister Crowley preferred, derives from “magus,” a term for a Zoroastrian priest. I’ve seen indications that it might have referred to a specific tribe or caste. When the … Continue reading →

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged aaron, aleister crowley, balaam, bible, demons, exodus, fantasy, jannes and jambres, jesus, king saul, magicians, miracles, moses, priests, prophets, salem witch trials, satan, simon magus, sorcerers, st. peter, witch of endor, witches, wizards |

Is Saul Also Among the Prophets?

It’s pretty obvious that the Bible contains a lot of contradictions, although those who believe the whole thing to be the totally accurate Word of God tend to either ignore them or come up with convoluted workarounds. The way I … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, History, Judaism, Middle East, Mythology, Politics, Religion | Tagged aaron, asherah, bible, canaan, deuteronomistic history, deuteronomy, exodus, genesis, israel, jacob, jeremiah, jerusalem, josiah, judah, judges, moses, priests, prophets, samuel, saul, twelve tribes of israel |

Better Go See Elijah

I’ve written about the prophet Elijah a few times, but I’ve only just become aware of a rabbinical tradition that identifies him as the same person as Phinehas. So who was Phinehas? He was the son of Eleazar, who in … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Judaism, Religion | Tagged aaron, baal, baal-peor, bible, cozbi, eleazar, elijah, enoch, genesis, joshua, lilith, metatron, moses, numbers, phinehas, prophets, sadducees, sandalphon, shittim, zadok, zimri |