adam weishaupt – VoVatia (original) (raw)


In the Cities of Coin and Spice, by Catherynne M. Valente – The second book in the Orphan’s Tales series continues with more diverse but connected stories, with a lot of shifting back and forth when different narrators interrupt, very … Continue reading →

Posted in Arabian, Authors, Book Reviews, Catherynne M. Valente, Conspiracy Theories, Daniel Handler, Drugs, Fairy Tales, Food, Greek Mythology, History, Humor, Japanese, Magic, Mathematics, Monsters, Mythology, Names, Plays, Politics, Prejudice, Relationships, Religion, William Shakespeare | Tagged abuse, adam weishaupt, ambrose bierce, arabian nights, atlantis, bad prince charlie, discordianism, dragons, firebird, h.p. lovecraft, hamlet, homophobia, illuminati, in the cities of coin and spice, jinn, john dillinger, john moore, lemony snicket, leviathan, numerology, president george washington, racism, robert anton wilson, robert chambers, robert shea, sirens, the illuminatus trilogy, the king in yellow, the orphan's tales, weapons of mass destruction |

Illuminating the Illuminati

Picture by Rachel Buigas-Lopez You’ve probably heard about the Illuminati from time to time. They’ve pretty much become a shorthand term for secret societies that control the world and worship Satan. I understand that Alex Jones, the guy who recently … Continue reading →

Posted in Conspiracy Theories, Germany, History | Tagged adam weishaupt, alex jones, beyonce knowles, blue ivy carter, illuminati, jay-z, lady gaga, secret societies, whitney houston |