adultery – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: adultery

The Big Big Whoredom

There often seems to be an undercurrent of fear of female sexuality in religion and mythology. It isn’t always that direct, and sometimes male sexuality isn’t viewed that positively either, but it’s pretty blatant sometimes. The idea of the whore … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Focus on the Foes, Gender, Health, History, Judaism, Language, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Persian, Religion, Roman Empire, Sexuality, They Might Be Giants, Video Games, Zoroastrianism | Tagged adultery, ahura mazda, angra mainyu, babylon, bible, demons, gavaevodata, golem, jahi, jeh, jesus, john of patmos, mark of the beast, menstruation, prostitution, revelation, rome, shin megami tensei, snakes, whore of babylon |

This Matrimony Is Full of Holes!

I seem to recall reading that the phrase “sanctity of marriage” wasn’t used until fairly recently, and was pretty much just a response to how marriage is changing in our society. That must not be entirely true, because a quick … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Economics, Families, Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Mythology, Relationships, Religion | Tagged adam and eve, adultery, bible, deuteronomy, exodus, gay marriage, genesis, homosexuality, hymen, jesus, leviticus, marriage, prostitution, reproduction, sacraments, sanctity of marriage |

Guinevere Out of Control

Arthurian literature hasn’t often been kind to Arthur’s wife Guinevere, presenting her as having an ongoing affair with his favorite knight, sometimes even goading him into it when he doesn’t really want to go against the king. It’s pretty much … Continue reading →

Posted in Arthurian Legend, British, England, History, Magic, Mythology, Relationships, Welsh | Tagged absalom, adultery, battle of camlann, bible, cywyrd of gwent, false guinevere, geoffrey of monmouth, gians, gogfran gawr, gwenhwyfach, gwythyr ap greidawl, incest, infidelity, jenny jump, king arthur, king constantine of dumnonia, king david, king leodegrance of cameliard, queen guinevere, sir bertholai, sir lancelot, sir mordred, t.h. white, the once and future king, tower of london, triads of the island of britain, vulgate cycle, welsh triads |

Thy Won’t Be Done

One thing I wonder about people who insist that the law should be based on their religion is why they think the civil authorities should be doing what they think God is supposed to do. Shouldn’t the Almighty do His … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Fundamentalism, Judaism, Politics, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged adultery, bible, blasphemy, capital punishment, homophobia, hypocrisy, jesus, judging, morality, sabbath, sin, stoning, theocracy |

Back on the Tracts

Hey, we haven’t looked at any Chick Tracts in a while, have we? Well, the two most recent featured tracks are “The Royal Affair” and “Going Down?”, so let’s examine these two. The former was obviously drawn by the artist … Continue reading →