anna perenna – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Real Food

I recently received a comment on my post on the Roman goddess Anna Perenna asking whether I knew of any connection between her and the Hindu Annapurna. I have to say I don’t know of any, but the names are … Continue reading →

Posted in Dice, Etymology, Food, Games, Hinduism, Mythology, Names, Philosophy, Religion, Roman | Tagged anna perenna, annapurna, materialism, parvati, shiva, vishnu |

Letting the New Year In

Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have written about this post’s subject last month, but it makes more sense to me to cover her now instead of waiting until next March. Anna Perenna was the Roman goddess of … Continue reading →

Posted in Holidays, Mythology, New Year's Day, Poetry, Roman | Tagged aeneas, anna of carthage, anna perenna, bovillae, carthage, dido of carthage, fasti, ides of march, io, mars, minerva, ovid, river numicius, themis, virgil |

Give Me Your Tyred, Your Punic

Carthage is remembered these days as the main enemy of the ever-expanding Romans in the third and second centuries BC. The two burgeoning empires fought the three Punic Wars, the second of which was when Hannibal launched his unsuccessful campaign … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, History, Middle East, Mythology, Roman, Roman Empire, Semitic | Tagged acerbas, aeneas, aeneid, africa proconsularis, anna perenna, baal, baal hammon, carthage, dido, flavius josephus, hannibal, iarbas, jezebel, juno, jupiter, mattan of tyre, melqart, menander of ephesus, mercury, ovid, phoenicia, punic wars, pygmalion, rome, trojan war, troy, tunisia, tyre, venus, virgil |