art deco – VoVatia (original) (raw)

An Automated Abomination

Orphan – I’m trying to avoid spoilers for this one, but you still might want to avoid it if this is something you haven’t seen and want to. Films about evil kids are a genre unto themselves. We just saw … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Capitalism, Christianity, Economics, Families, Germany, History, Names, Politics, Relationships, Religion, Technology, VoVat Goes to the Movies | Tagged adoption, art deco, bible, freder, fritz lang, jesus, joh fredersen, metropolis, nazis, orphan, revelation, robots, rotwang |

Foresight Is 2020

2020 always just sounded so far in the future when I was a kid. Really, even 2000 still had a bit of awe-inspiring mysticism about it, but I remember most of my childhood interest in a science fiction sort of … Continue reading →

Posted in Capitalism, Cartoons, Climate, Corporations, Economics, Global Warming, L. Frank Baum, Oz, Oz Authors, Science, Technology, Television, The Jetsons | Tagged architecture, art deco, automation, computers, elon musk, emerald city, flying cars, futurism, googie, internet, jetpacks, retrofuturism, science fiction, smart phones, space travel |