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Tag Archives: bill nye
Focused on the Future
We’ve now seen all of Season Twelve of Futurama, which I think is part of the ninth production season because of all the weirdness with how the show was originally aired. I noticed that, while there were still some commentaries … Continue reading →
Posted in Art, Big Bang, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comics, Conspiracy Theories, Corporations, Current Events, Futurama, Games, Humor, Monsters, Science, Technology, Television, The Simpsons, Toys | Tagged aliens, amy wong, beanie babies, bender bending rodriguez, bender's game, bill nye, buggalo, cara delevigne, chatbots, coffee, encyclopedia brown, fashion, hardy boys, hedonism bot, hermes conrad, hypnosis, jack-in-the-box, john steinbeck, kif kroker, kyle mclachlan, levar burton, lrrr, mermaids, moths, nancy drew, ndnd, philip j. fry, pin the tail on the donkey, planet express, professor hubert farnsworth, robert burns, robots, scruffy the janitor, starbucks, tim gunn, tintin, turanga leela, vampires |
Close Encounters of the Fundamentalist Kind
You may have heard about Ark Encounter, the replica of Noah’s Ark that was built in Kentucky. This was the brainchild of Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and an Australian creationist, like Ray Comfort. So they believe the … Continue reading →
Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Current Events, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Religion, Science, Semitic | Tagged answers in genesis, ark encounter, bible, bill nye, creationism, deucalion, dinosaurs, ea, epic of gilgamesh, flood, frank lewis marsh, genesis, herodotus, ken ham, kinds, mike zovath, noah, noah's ark, prometheus, utnapishtim, zeus |
The Spaceman from Pluto
It’s time to once again go back to the future for a look at some media related to the film series. Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History, by Michael Klastorin – I actually first became aware of this … Continue reading →
Posted in Book Reviews, Cartoons, Humor, Video Games | Tagged back to the future, back to the future part ii, back to the future part iii, back to the future the animated series, back to the future the game, bill nye, christopher lloyd, mary steenburgen, michael j. fox, michael klastorin, telltale games, thomas wilson |
You Can’t Use Facts to Prove Anything That’s Even Remotely True
This National Geographic article on science denial brought up some points I consider on occasion. It’s strange how some aspects of science have become so political, with global warming and evolution especially being viewed as left-wing concerns. Oddly, the anti-vaccination … Continue reading →
Posted in Capitalism, Christianity, Climate, Conspiracy Theories, Corporations, Drugs, Economics, Education, Environmentalism, Evolution, Food, Fundamentalism, Genetics, Global Warming, Health, Medicine, Politics, Real Time with Bill Maher, Religion, Science, Snobbery, Television | Tagged big pharma, bill maher, bill nye, creationism, dan kahar, elitism, individualism, joel achenbach, monsanto, national geographic, president george w. bush, skepticism, tribalism, vaccination |
Ham on Nye
So, there was a lot of talk about the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham last night. I’ve already discussed my issues with Creationism many times, and these debates never really amount to anything. At least this one remained … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Christianity, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Mythology, Religion, Science | Tagged answers in genesis, bible, bill nye, creationism, genesis, ken ham, kent hovind, noah's ark, prophets, ray comfort, young earth |