brahma years – VoVatia (original) (raw)

When the World and I Were Young

Continuing on the theme of calendars from another recent post, I’ve done some investigation into different calculations of the age of the world. The Jewish calendar and the traditional Byzantine one both date from the Anno Mundi, or Year of … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Babylonian, Chinese, Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Egyptian, Greek Philosophy, Hinduism, History, Judaism, Mathematics, Mayan, Mythology, Native American, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Semitic, Zoroastrianism | Tagged acts of the apostles, adam and eve, ahura mazda, anno mundi, apostolic council, aristotle, bede, bible, bishop james ussher, brahma, brahma years, chronology, creation, creationism, exodus, flood, genesis, gospel of nicodemus, jesus, john mcphee, king solomon, maccabees, martin luther, masoretic text, patriarchs, puranas, rabbi jose ben halafta, ramesses ii of egypt, rosh hashanah, septuagint, sumerian king list, time, turin king list, vishnu purana, zoroaster |

This Is the Way the World Ends

So, the Rapture is today, right? Actually, Beth and I were listening to Family Radio tonight, and Harold Camping said something about how it wouldn’t come until 6 PM in whatever time zone you happen to be in, at which … Continue reading →

Posted in Aztec, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Mythology, Native American, Religion, Zoroastrianism | Tagged angra mainyu, apocalypse, bible, brahma, brahma years, enoch, eschatology, family radio, harold camping, huitzilopochtli, jesus, kali, kali yuga, krishna, mexico city, tenochtitlan, uriel, zoroaster |