canis heroicus – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Look Who’s Talking Now
The 1999 Oziana has a cover sporting four pictures of Toto, challenging the reader to determine which one was from what book and what artist. The first two are actually both by John R. Neill for The Lost Princess of … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Art, Atticus Gannaway, Characters, Chris Dulabone, Jack Snow, John R. Neill, L. Frank Baum, Magic, Magic Items, Marcus Mebes, Marin Elizabeth Xiques, Names, Oz, Oz Authors, Places, Poetry, Ruth Plumly Thompson | Tagged canis heroicus, cowardly lion, dogs, dorothy gale, emerald city, fairies, frank kramer, how oz became a fairyland, ian fink, lurline, mombi, morrow, oziana, ozma, ozroar, pastoria, reincarnation, robin olderman, the lost king of oz, the lost princess of oz, the magical mimics in oz, the wonderful wizard of oz, tik-tok of oz, toto, toto and the truth, toto's tale, w.w. denslow, wizard of oz |