cimmerians – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tying Knots and Killing Tots

I’ve been thinking a bit recently about the Gordian Knot. The basic story is that, in 333 BCE, Alexander the Great came to Gordion, the capital of Phrygia in modern-day Turkey, a place famous for its Smurf hats. He’d heard … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Greek Mythology, History, Music, Mythology, Names | Tagged adrastus, agamemnon, alexander the great, apollo, artemis, athena, atreus, cannibalism, cimmerians, clytemnestra, croesus, cybele, delphi, gordian knot, gordias, gyges of lydia, herodotus, hippodamia, hollies, iphigenia, king midas, lycophron of chalcis, nathaniel hawthorne, oenomaus, orestes, pelops, phrygia, sabazios, tantalus, thyestes, trojan war, zeus |

Land of Dairy Milk Bars and Honey

Tonight, I’m going to take a look at British Israelism, the movement popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that insisted the British were descended from refugees from Israel. This was essentially a way to be pro-Semitic and … Continue reading →

Posted in Arthurian Legend, British, Christianity, Conspiracy Theories, England, Ethnicity, History, Judaism, Language, Middle East, Mythology, Religion | Tagged aeneas, beli mawr, bran the blessed, british israelism, bron, brutus of britain, cimmerians, conan the barbarian, dan, elaine of escalot, emperor constantine, enygeus, ephraim, fisher king, geoffrey of monmouth, glastonbury, heli, house of tudor, igraine, ireland, israel, jeremiah, jerusalem, jesus, john of glastonbury, joseph of arimathea, judah, king arthur, king coel, king henry vii of england, king james i of england, king leir, king uther pendragon, king zedekiah of judah, lost ten tribes, nebuchadnezzar, pellas, robert e. howard, scota, scotland, sir galahad, sir lancelot, sir percival, t.h. white, tea tephi, the once and future king, william blake |