creation – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: creation

23 and Me

When I wrote about recurring numbers in the works of certain authors eleven years ago, I received a comment about how twenty-three was significant in The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. I hadn’t yet read the … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Conspiracy Theories, Games, History, Humor, Judaism, Language, Magic, Mathematics, Music, Plays, Poetry, Religion, Roman Empire, Sports | Tagged 23, 23 skidoo, a tale of two cities, aleister crowley, bishop james ussher, charles dickens, creation, dear 23, discordianism, george m. cohan, jon auer, julius caesar, ken stringfellow, knights templar, little johnny jones, michael jordan, numbers, numerology, posies, principia discordia, psalms, psalsm, robert anton wilson, robert shea, the big lebowski, the illuminatus trilogy, the only way |

Stuck a Feather in Glooscap

One name that came up on two different occasions while looking up other mythical topics was Glooscap, a cultural hero from the legends of the Wabanaki, in northern New England and southeastern Canada. The stories about him vary quite a bit, … Continue reading →

Posted in algonquin, Animals, Drugs, Magic, Medicine, Monsters, Mythology, Names, Native American | Tagged beavers, birds, creation, frogs, giants, glooscap, grasshoppers, loons, malsum, mikchich, odziozo, squirrels, tabaldak, tobacco, trees, turtles, wabanaki, whales |

Mourning Announcements

Today is the anniversary of Jesus’ crucifixion. Okay, it probably really isn’t, and we don’t even know what year that happened, let alone the specific date. While Easter does sometimes fall this early, it’s rare. And if these first century … Continue reading →

Posted in Authors, Catholicism, Christianity, Christmas, Easter, History, Holidays, Islam, J.R.R. Tolkien, Judaism, Middle Ages, Passover, Religion, rosh hashanah | Tagged abraham, adam and eve, akedah, angels, apocrypals, bible, bishop james ussher, cain and abel, calendar, chronology, creation, crucifixion, exodus, feast of the annunciation, gabriel, garden of eden, genesis, good friday, gospel of luke, gospels, human sacrifice, isaac, jesus, john the baptist, lord of the rings, lucifer, martyrdom, melchizedek, moses, one ring, podcasts, pope benedict xvi, st. dismas, summer solstice, vernal equinox, virgin mary, winter solstice |

When the World and I Were Young

Continuing on the theme of calendars from another recent post, I’ve done some investigation into different calculations of the age of the world. The Jewish calendar and the traditional Byzantine one both date from the Anno Mundi, or Year of … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Babylonian, Chinese, Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Egyptian, Greek Philosophy, Hinduism, History, Judaism, Mathematics, Mayan, Mythology, Native American, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Semitic, Zoroastrianism | Tagged acts of the apostles, adam and eve, ahura mazda, anno mundi, apostolic council, aristotle, bede, bible, bishop james ussher, brahma, brahma years, chronology, creation, creationism, exodus, flood, genesis, gospel of nicodemus, jesus, john mcphee, king solomon, maccabees, martin luther, masoretic text, patriarchs, puranas, rabbi jose ben halafta, ramesses ii of egypt, rosh hashanah, septuagint, sumerian king list, time, turin king list, vishnu purana, zoroaster |

Kiss of the Spider Woman

Picture by Susan Seddon Boulet One of the mythical Navajo beings who plays a part in Rebecca Roanhorse’s Race to the Sun is Spider Woman, and there is a mention of Peter Parker in this context. Spider-Woman in Marvel Comics is … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Aztec, Comics, hopi, Magic, Monsters, Mythology, Native American, Navajo | Tagged changing woman, creation, hero twins, jessica drew, kokyangwuit, kokyangwuti, marvel comics, peter parker, race to the sun, rebecca roanhorse, rick riordan presents, snake clan, snakes, spider grandmother, spider man, spider rock, spider woman, spider-man, spider-woman, spiders, sun, tawa, tiyo |

Erlik to Bed, Erlik to Rise

I can’t say I’ve ever come across that much from what Is known as Altaic mythology, which encompasses the beliefs of people from Turkey, Mongolia, and Siberia. Some of it seems to have spread into Finland as well. The evil … Continue reading →

Posted in Altaic, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Mythology, Religion, Zoroastrianism | Tagged conan the barbarian, creation, dogs, enmendurana, enoch, erlik, erlikosaurus, evil, hyrkanians, lucifer, maidere, maitreya, mongolia, robert e. howard, satan, siberia, turkey, ulgan |

The Wonderful World of Pangu

There are several different Chinese creation myths, but there seems to be a general theme of the universe coming into existence without help from an intelligent being. Some of the popular ones involve a being called Pangu, who hatched from … Continue reading →

Posted in Babylonian, Chinese, Mythology, Norse, Video Games, Zelda | Tagged cosmic egg, creation, cynocephali, dogs, giants, king gao xin, moblins, pangu, tiamat, ymir |

My Creator Is an Alien

In the comments for this post, a fundamentalist Christian said something about Richard Dawkins believing in alien creators. I think this might be what the guy was talking about. I’m not all that keen on the god-like alien idea, but … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Religion, Science | Tagged aliens, bible, chariots of the gods, creation, creationism, erich von daniken, intelligent design, richard dawkins |

Back to the Beginning

It seems to be a pretty common assumption among the religious faithful of today that God created the universe. This is by no means a given, however, nor is it the case in some of the better-known pre-Christian mythologies. In … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Greek Mythology, Judaism, Mythology, Norse, Religion | Tagged bible, chaos, creation, genesis, odin, philo of alexandria, stephen hawking, ve, vili, ymir |

The Further Adventures of Prometheus

Picture by Heinrich Fueger I know I’ve written about Prometheus (and his dim-witted brother Epimetheus) before, most notably here, but I can’t help but feel their role in Greek mythology deserves some more attention. The earlier post focused on Prometheus’ … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged aesop, creation, deucalion, epimetheus, flood, plato, prometheus, protagoras, titans, zeus |