creationism – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: creationism

Ach du Lieber! Raccoons!

Here’s some stuff that I watched this weekend, all without Beth as she was away for a lot of the time, and not interested in them anyway. There are SPOILERS for all of it. Guardians of Galaxy Volume 2 – … Continue reading →

Posted in American Civil War, Animals, Beatles, Characters, Comics, Evolution, History, Humor, Magic, Magic Items, Monsters, Music, Oz, Politics, Relationships, Science, Television, VoVat Goes to the Movies | Tagged abilisks, adam warlock, aliens, blurp, bruce carroll, cosmo, creationism, curb your enthusiasm, dave bautista, drax the destroyer, f'saki, gamora, george wallace, great book of records, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy volume 3, high evolutionary, history of the world part ii, jesus, johnny knoxville, linda cardellini, lylla otter, mantis, Marvel Cinematic Universe, marvel comics, mel brooks, rasputin, rocket raccoon, scarecrow, shirley chisholm, sir walter raleigh, star-lord, the magic book of oz, the notebook, yoko ono, zoe saldana |

When the World and I Were Young

Continuing on the theme of calendars from another recent post, I’ve done some investigation into different calculations of the age of the world. The Jewish calendar and the traditional Byzantine one both date from the Anno Mundi, or Year of … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Babylonian, Chinese, Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Egyptian, Greek Philosophy, Hinduism, History, Judaism, Mathematics, Mayan, Mythology, Native American, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Semitic, Zoroastrianism | Tagged acts of the apostles, adam and eve, ahura mazda, anno mundi, apostolic council, aristotle, bede, bible, bishop james ussher, brahma, brahma years, chronology, creation, creationism, exodus, flood, genesis, gospel of nicodemus, jesus, john mcphee, king solomon, maccabees, martin luther, masoretic text, patriarchs, puranas, rabbi jose ben halafta, ramesses ii of egypt, rosh hashanah, septuagint, sumerian king list, time, turin king list, vishnu purana, zoroaster |

War Between the States of Being

Erica Olivera’s presentation on Theosophy and its influence on L. Frank Baum at the latest OzCon included some information on the four kingdoms, those of mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. The animal-vegetable-mineral division is part of general knowledge, as well … Continue reading →

Posted in Alchemy, Animals, Biology, Characters, Christianity, Evolution, Greek Philosophy, History, John R. Neill, L. Frank Baum, Magic, Oz, Oz Authors, Philosophy, Prejudice, Religion, Science, Snobbery, Theosophy | Tagged angels, aristotle, carl linnaeus, charles darwin, cowardly lion, creationism, dick tater, dorothy gale, elementals, erica olivera, great chain of being, helena blavatsky, hierarchy, immortals, kingdoms, mangaboos, march of progress, minerals, morality, nome king, nomes, orthogenesis, paracelsus, plants, prince bobo, racial evolution, racism, return to oz, rinkitink in oz, scarecrow, taxonomy, the scalawagons of oz, the wonderful wizard of oz, tin woodman, tottenhots, transformation, twenty questions, vegetable kingdom, zoology |

The Beliefs Are Falling

I’ve written before about anti-science conspiracy theories before, and I touched on their connection to religion, but it still sometimes confuses me. I mean, Alex Jones apparently considers himself a Christian. I missed the parts of the Bible about goblins … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Climate, Conspiracy Theories, Current Events, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Global Warming, Medicine, Religion, Science | Tagged alex jones, bible, creationism, demons, illuminati, kevin trudeau, nibiru, piltdown man, satan, st. paul, trust, vaccines |

Church of the Assumption

I have to say I have trouble understanding arguments like these that totally misrepresent scientific theories. Sure, if you want to really simplify things, elements forged by stars eventually formed themselves into planets and other matter, which would include dinosaurs. … Continue reading →

Posted in Big Bang, Christianity, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Religion, Science | Tagged argument, assumptions, bible, creationism, death, eternal life, free will, genesis |

Getting Off the Tract

Holy Faceless God, Jack Chick died yesterday. Hey, isn’t that the day Bishop James Ussher claimed the world began in 4004 BC? I don’t know whether modern Young Earth Creationists still accept that date, but it still seems appropriate. You’ve … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Comics, Conspiracy Theories, Current Events, Fundamentalism, In Memoriam, Jack Chick, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged alberto rivera, belief, chick tracts, creationism, faith, fang, heaven, hell, jesus, kent hovind |

Close Encounters of the Fundamentalist Kind

You may have heard about Ark Encounter, the replica of Noah’s Ark that was built in Kentucky. This was the brainchild of Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and an Australian creationist, like Ray Comfort. So they believe the … Continue reading →

Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Current Events, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Religion, Science, Semitic | Tagged answers in genesis, ark encounter, bible, bill nye, creationism, deucalion, dinosaurs, ea, epic of gilgamesh, flood, frank lewis marsh, genesis, herodotus, ken ham, kinds, mike zovath, noah, noah's ark, prometheus, utnapishtim, zeus |

Splitting the Adam

There are quite a few things I don’t really get about the Adam and Eve story, but one that I thought of recently involves the notion of being fruitful and multiplying. Actually, this isn’t part of the same story, but … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Etymology, Gnosticism, Judaism, Language, Relationships, Religion | Tagged adam and eve, angels, authority, bible, creationism, death, garden of eden, genesis, marriage, mortality, nephilim, omnipotence, reproduction, sex, tower of babel, tree of knowledge, tree of life |

You Can’t Use Facts to Prove Anything That’s Even Remotely True

This National Geographic article on science denial brought up some points I consider on occasion. It’s strange how some aspects of science have become so political, with global warming and evolution especially being viewed as left-wing concerns. Oddly, the anti-vaccination … Continue reading →

Posted in Capitalism, Christianity, Climate, Conspiracy Theories, Corporations, Drugs, Economics, Education, Environmentalism, Evolution, Food, Fundamentalism, Genetics, Global Warming, Health, Medicine, Politics, Real Time with Bill Maher, Religion, Science, Snobbery, Television | Tagged big pharma, bill maher, bill nye, creationism, dan kahar, elitism, individualism, joel achenbach, monsanto, national geographic, president george w. bush, skepticism, tribalism, vaccination |

Ham on Nye

So, there was a lot of talk about the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham last night. I’ve already discussed my issues with Creationism many times, and these debates never really amount to anything. At least this one remained … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Christianity, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Mythology, Religion, Science | Tagged answers in genesis, bible, bill nye, creationism, genesis, ken ham, kent hovind, noah's ark, prophets, ray comfort, young earth |