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Tag Archives: cyclopes
The Lady’s in Hades
I’ve written a bit about Battle of Olympus before. My family rented it a few times in my childhood but could never get too far in it, maybe as far as the first Cyclops. In terms of gameplay, it was … Continue reading →
Posted in African, Animals, Castlevania, Comics, Dragon Quest, Egyptian, Final Fantasy, Greek Mythology, Kid Icarus, Magic, Maps, Medicine, Metroid, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Names, Video Games, Zelda | Tagged achilles, angel land, anubis, atari, battle of olympus, bears, broderbund, castlevania ii: simon's quest, cerberus, chocobos, clash of the titans, cyclopes, dragon quest vi, dragons, eurydice, hades, helen of troy, hydra, isis, kid icarus uprising, lamia, medusa, minotaur, monkeys, mount olympus, ocarina, orpheus, pegasus, persephone, ray harryhausen, riddle of the sphinx, satyrs, snakes, talos, underworld |
These Judges Are Such Cretans
When the world of the dead is presented as a place of reward or punishment, as has become pretty standard, that generally means that someone has to decide who goes where. The Underworld of Greek mythology came to have three … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Art, Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology, Poetry, Roman, Video Games | Tagged achilles, aegina, aeneid, alcmene, androgeos, ants, apollo, apollodorus, arabian nights, aristophanes, bulls, cadmus, cerberus, cyclopes, daedalus, dante alighieri, divine comedy, eleusinian mysteries, elysian fields, europa, fortunate isles, hades, helios, hell, hera, hercules, inferno, king aeacus of aegina, king aeetes of colchis, king asterion of crete, king minos of crete, kronos, law, minotaur, myrmidons, nymphs, odysseus, odyssey, pasiphae, patroclus, peleus, plato, polyphemus, poseidon, rhadamanthus, sarpedon, sinbad the sailor, the frogs, theseus, triptolemus, trojan war, underworld, virgil, zeus, zork |
Follow the Arrow
Sculpture by John Raimondi Abaris the Hyperborean is one of those mysterious magicians who shows up in multiple sources, and has led to additional speculation and apocryphal stories in more recent times. He was first mentioned in Archaic Greek texts, He is … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Authors, British, Comics, Dragon Quest, Greek Mythology, Greek Philosophy, Magic, Monsters, Mythology, Neil Gaiman, Philosophy, Poetry, Religion, Video Games | Tagged abaris the hyperborean, abhras, anacharsis, apollo, arimaspea, arimaspoi, aristeas of proconnesus, asclepius, athens, belial, bladud, boreas, constellations, croesus, cyclopes, demons, divination, dragon quest ii, druids, geoffrey of monmouth, griffins, herodotus, hyperborea, iamblicus, john wood the elder, north wind, phalaris, pindar, plato, pythagoras, ravens, sagittarius, sandman, satan, scythia, solon of athens, thrace, zalmoxis, zarlox |
Kampe Trip
I’ve always enjoyed looking at mythological monsters, and Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods reminded me of one from Greek mythology I hadn’t covered yet. That would be Kampe, jailer of the Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires in Tartarus. Kronos imprisoned these giants and … Continue reading →
Posted in Authors, Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology, Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan | Tagged athena, cyclopes, hekatonkheires, kampe, kronos, medusa, nonnus, percy jackson's greek gods, tartarus, titanomachy, titans, zeus |
The Wrath of King Neptune
I was originally thinking of profiling Krishna this weekend, but seeing the Percy Jackson movie reminded me that I don’t think I’d ever done a proper post on Poseidon (or Zeus, for that matter, but he’ll have to wait, unless … Continue reading →
Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology, Roman | Tagged alodae, amphitrite, antaeus, arion, athena, athens, cyclopes, demeter, gaea, giants, homer, horse latitudes, horses, kronos, merfolk, neptune, nethuns, odysseus, odyssey, polyphemus, poseidon, rhea, trident, triton, zeus |