dewayo – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Snally Boy
I noticed that one of the other monsters described in William Cox’s Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, the same book as the Squonk, is the Snoligoster. (WARNING: The passage is pretty racist.) That’s a name I thought I knew, but … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Cartoons, Characters, Etymology, Food, German, L. Frank Baum, Monsters, Mythology, Oz, Oz Authors, Television, The Flintstones, Urban Legends | Tagged barney rubble, dewayo, fearsome creatures of the lumberwoods, florida, fred flintstone, fred flintstone and the snallygaster show, lake okeechobee, maryland, ork, president theodore roosevelt, snallygasters, snoligosters, the scarecrow of oz, william t. cox, wilma flintstone, wolves |