divination – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Follow the Arrow

Sculpture by John Raimondi Abaris the Hyperborean is one of those mysterious magicians who shows up in multiple sources, and has led to additional speculation and apocryphal stories in more recent times. He was first mentioned in Archaic Greek texts, He is … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Authors, British, Comics, Dragon Quest, Greek Mythology, Greek Philosophy, Magic, Monsters, Mythology, Neil Gaiman, Philosophy, Poetry, Religion, Video Games | Tagged abaris the hyperborean, abhras, anacharsis, apollo, arimaspea, arimaspoi, aristeas of proconnesus, asclepius, athens, belial, bladud, boreas, constellations, croesus, cyclopes, demons, divination, dragon quest ii, druids, geoffrey of monmouth, griffins, herodotus, hyperborea, iamblicus, john wood the elder, north wind, phalaris, pindar, plato, pythagoras, ravens, sagittarius, sandman, satan, scythia, solon of athens, thrace, zalmoxis, zarlox |

What’s the Story, Wishbone?

Beth asked me last night if I knew how the tradition of breaking the wishbone started, and I had to admit I didn’t know. As with most superstitions, it’s difficult to get an exact answer, but there’s a lot of … Continue reading →

Posted in History, Holidays, Melody Grandy, Oz, Oz Authors, Ruth Plumly Thompson, Thanksgiving | Tagged chickens, dinosaurs, divination, etruscans, furcula, king kojo, merrythought bone, the disenchanted princess of oz, the seven blue mountains of oz, tippetarius, wishbird, wishbones |

Toying with the Occult

Ah, the Ouija Board. Who doesn’t love the idea of a means of possession by evil spirits that you can buy at Toys “R” Us? I’ve never used one myself, but I’ve heard plenty of stories of girls at sleepovers … Continue reading →

Posted in Board Games, China, Christianity, Fundamentalism, Games, Harry Potter, History, L. Frank Baum, Oz, Oz Authors, Religion, Toys | Tagged charles kennard, demons, divination, elijah bond, fuji, hasbro, ideomotor effect, invisible inzi of oz, kennard novelty company, occult, ouija board, pazuzu, planchette, pythagoras, qing dynasty, spirit writing, spiritualism, the exorcist, virginia and robert wauchope, william fuld |