dunkin donuts – VoVatia (original) (raw)

No Place in the Processional and No Seat in the Convention Hall

They Might Be Giants, Phone Power – TMBG have always been a prolific band, and not everything they do fits all that well onto their albums. Sometimes this doesn’t stop them from including these songs on the albums anyway, but … Continue reading →

Posted in Advertising, Albums, Music, They Might Be Giants | Tagged apples in stereo, destiny's child, dial-a-song, don quixote, dunkin donuts, gilbert and sullivan, john flansburgh, john linnell, kimya dawson, phone power, puppini sisters, schizophrenia |

And Sometimes Why

They Might Be Giants, Why? – This is the band’s fifth children’s album, intended as a follow-up to their first of that sort, 2002’s No! The other three, produced by Disney, were topic-specific and intended primarily for young children. This … Continue reading →

Posted in Advertising, Albums, Animals, Music, They Might Be Giants, Uncategorized | Tagged captain beefheart, danny weinkauf, dunkin donuts, elephants, john flansburgh, john linnell, norma tanega, robin goldwasser, rosie o'donnell, why? |

How to Say Good Buy

I touched upon the topic of advertising and product placement in my last post, and I thought it might be interesting to return to this subject for another entry. I’m generally a pretty anti-corporate guy, but I don’t share the … Continue reading →