ea – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Close Encounters of the Fundamentalist Kind
You may have heard about Ark Encounter, the replica of Noah’s Ark that was built in Kentucky. This was the brainchild of Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and an Australian creationist, like Ray Comfort. So they believe the … Continue reading →
Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Current Events, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Religion, Science, Semitic | Tagged answers in genesis, ark encounter, bible, bill nye, creationism, deucalion, dinosaurs, ea, epic of gilgamesh, flood, frank lewis marsh, genesis, herodotus, ken ham, kinds, mike zovath, noah, noah's ark, prometheus, utnapishtim, zeus |
This Immortal Coil
It seems that, as long as humans have been aware of death, they’ve entertained the possibility of staving it off and living forever. It’s highly unlikely that this could ever be achieved, since everything has to wear out eventually. Actually, … Continue reading →
Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Greek Mythology, Islam, Mythology, Religion | Tagged afterlife, ahasuerus, bible, ea, eos, epic of gilgamesh, flood, genesis, gilgamesh, gospel of matthew, gulliver's travels, heaven, hell, immortality, jesus, jonathan swift, king laomedon of troy, luggnagg, muhammad al-mahdi, noah, nymphs, pontius pilate, sanhedrin, second coming, struldbruggs, strymo, titans, tithonus, twelfth imam, utnapishtim, wandering jew, zeus |
Make Mine Marduk
Even a casual study in the history of religion will reveal that a significant part of its development is based not on anything supernatural, but on all too human political matters. It’s been pretty much the norm that conquering tribes … Continue reading →
Posted in Babylonian, History, Mythology | Tagged anu, ashur, assyria, baal, babylon, bel, ea, enki, enlil, enuma elish, eridu, iraq, marduk, mesopotamia, sumeria, tiamat |