eclipse – VoVatia (original) (raw)


In Jordanna Max Brodsky’s The Wolf in the Whale, the moon god Taqqiq was an antagonist of Omat. Looking up Inuit lunar mythology, there are many different names for this god, Igaluk being perhaps the most popular one, while he’s … Continue reading →

Posted in Inuit, Mythology, Native American | Tagged anigan, eclipse, jordanna max brodsky, malina, moon, rape, saturn, siqiniq, stars, sun, taqqiq, tarqeq, tarquip inua, the wolf in the whale, tulok |

There Goes the Sun

I thought I might do something with mythology related to eclipses this week, and this page gives an overview of some such explanations. It was apparently pretty common to assume the Sun was being eaten when it disappeared during the … Continue reading →

Posted in Buddhism, Final Fantasy, Hinduism, Monsters, Mythology, Norse, Pac-Man, Religion, Video Games | Tagged amrita, asuras, brahma, chandra, demons, devas, eclipse, final fantasy vi, inferno, ketu, lunar eclipse, lunar nodes, mimir, mohini, moon, neptune, rahu, shiva, shukra, solar eclipse, sun, surya, uranus, vishnu |