eirene – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Post of the Hours

One common feature of mythology is an explanation of the procession of the seasons, often linking them to particular deities or to the death and rebirth of a god. In Greek mythology, it’s explained that the winter is when Demeter‘s … Continue reading →

Posted in Astronomy, Etymology, Greek Mythology, Language, Mythology, Science | Tagged aphrodite, autumn, auxo, constellations, demeter, dike, eirene, eunomia, euporie, fates, fortuna, hades, horae, hours, justice, karpo, orthosa, persephone, pherusa, seasons, spring, summer, thallo, themis, titans, tyche, virgo, winter, zeus, zodiac |

The Old Windbag

Since there’s supposed to be a hurricane hitting this area, I suppose it would appropriate to talk about a wind god. I already wrote about the Greco-Roman personifications of the winds, so let’s move on to China and their wind … Continue reading →

Posted in Chinese, Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged aeolus, dragons, eirene, fei lian, feng bo, horae, hu-yi, hurricane irene, odysseus, shen-yi, weather, winds, yellow emperor huangdi |

For Great Justice

We’re all familiar with the depiction of Justice as a blindfolded woman holding scales. As with a lot of anthropomorphic personifications, this image largely derives from Greco-Roman mythology, but from a few different deities. The first relevant goddess is Themis, … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology, Roman | Tagged adikia, apollo, astraea, bronze age, delphic oracle, dike, eirene, eunomia, fortuna, gaia, justice, justitia, ouranos, themis, virgo |