fossegrim – VoVatia (original) (raw)

She’s Come Undine

I keep forgetting to write something about the novella Undine, by German author Friedrich de la Motte Fouque, which I read on Gutenberg in a translation geared toward children. I’ve become somewhat fascinated with the influence of Paracelsus‘ concept of … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Book Reviews, Catholicism, Celtic, Characters, Christianity, Fairy Tales, Final Fantasy, German, Greek Mythology, L. Frank Baum, Language, Magic, Mana/Seiken Densetsu, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Norse, Oz, Oz Authors, Relationships, Religion, They Might Be Giants, Video Games | Tagged bertalda, blue men of the minch, brothers grimm, cap'n bill, elementals, fossegrim, friedrich de la motte fouque, hans christian andersen, huldbrand, immortals, john flansburgh, kelpies, kuhleborn, mermaids, nixies, nokks, nymphs, ondine, paracelsus, queen of the water sprites, sirens, souls, stromkarlen, the life and adventures of santa claus, the little mermaid, the nixie of the mill-pond, the sea fairies, trot griffiths, undine, undines, vampires, water sprites |