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Tag Archives: free will
Church of the Assumption
I have to say I have trouble understanding arguments like these that totally misrepresent scientific theories. Sure, if you want to really simplify things, elements forged by stars eventually formed themselves into planets and other matter, which would include dinosaurs. … Continue reading →
Posted in Big Bang, Christianity, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Religion, Science | Tagged argument, assumptions, bible, creationism, death, eternal life, free will, genesis |
You’re an Animal, Too
One argument I occasionally hear in favor of God and against the scientific theories about the development of the universe and of life (which are, of course, two completely different things anyway) is that our world couldn’t have just come … Continue reading →
Jesus Died for YOU (But Not You, Personally)
Since it’s Sunday (okay, it’s Monday, but close enough), I figured I might as well write about a few things that I fail to understand about Christianity. One is the idea of free will. Not that I don’t BELIEVE in … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Religion | Tagged belief, bible, free will, gospel of john, gospel of mark, gospel of matthew, harry potter and the deathly hallows, hell, jesus, leviticus, pluralism, sacrifice, scapegoat, sin, voldemort |
Also Sprach Zarathustra
For today’s historical religious figure, let’s take a trip to ancient Iran, or as it was then known, “Iwalked.” Okay, that was just a little humor. (Very little, in fact.) Actually, I’m not sure what the appropriate term would be … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Historical Personages, History, Iran, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism | Tagged ahura mazda, alexander the great, angra mainyu, avesta, cyrus the great, daniel, dualism, freddie mercury, free will, king vishtaspa, mazdean-christian universalism, medes, parsi, persians, prophets, resurrection, satan, zarathustra, zoroaster |