genocide – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Tag Archives: genocide
A Day for Esther
Purim ends at sundown today. I can’t say I grew up knowing much at all about Jewish holidays. I wonder if kids growing up in New York City do, or if they just know that they’re days some people get … Continue reading →
Posted in Feminism, Hellenistic Greece, History, Holidays, Judaism, Middle East, Prejudice, Religion, Roman Empire | Tagged belshazzar, bible, esther, gabriel, genocide, haman, joshua, king ahasuerus, king artaxerxes i, king cyrus, king xerxes i, midrash, morality, mordecai, persia, purim, septuagint, vashti |
When Humanity Grows Up
One idea I’ve come across is that the whole of humanity is maturing over time, much as individuals do. It seems to be particularly prominent as a teaching in the Baha’i faith, but I’ve seen it other places as well. … Continue reading →
Posted in Baha'i Faith, Christianity, Evolution, History, Judaism, Philosophy, Prejudice, Relationships, Religion, Science, Technology | Tagged abdu'l-baha, apes, bible, capital punishment, civil rights, collectivism, communication, corporal punishment, foundations of world unity, genesis, genocide, individualism, intelligence, knowledge, maturity, morality, progress, slavery, society, totalitarianism, war |
I Have Learned the Value of Human Sacrifice
Human sacrifice is a quite controversial subject, as a lot of the information we have on it was provided by enemy cultures that might have been trying to slander other groups. It kind of seemed to me that people who … Continue reading →
Posted in Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Mesoamerica, Middle East, Mythology, Religion, Roman Empire | Tagged abraham, agamemnon, aztecs, bible, genesis, genocide, holy war, human sacrifice, iphigenia, isaac, jephthah, phoenicia, ritual, sacrifice |
Shot Full of Holiness
There’s a quote credited to physicist Steven Weinberg that I’ve seen from time to time with occasional variations (apparently Weinberg himself said it differently at different times): “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Islam, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged genocide, homophobia, islamophobia, jesus, middle east, misogyny, muhammad, steven weinberg |
I’ll Take Canaan
This post on Unreasonable Faith depicts a page from a newsletter for conservative Christian homeschoolers, teaching how to confront atheists who cite “the most ridiculous stories in the Bible.” Wait, so the person who wrote this is ADMITTING that there … Continue reading →
Posted in Bronze Age, Christianity, History, Judaism, Middle East, Religion | Tagged abraham, bible, canaan, exodus, genocide, isaac, israel, jacob, jericho, joshua, judges, might makes right |
Rebel Without a Prayer
While researching Prometheus on Wikipedia, I came across this interesting observation regarding Aeschylus’ take on the character: “In Hesiod, the story of Prometheus (and, by extension, of Pandora) serves to reinforce the theodicy of Zeus: he is a wise and … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Greek Mythology, Judaism, Mythology, Religion | Tagged aeschylus, bathsheba, genocide, hesiod, joshua, king david, lucifer, prometheus, prometheus bound, rebellion, satan, zeus |