gospel of john – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: gospel of john

Another Fine Messiah

The concept of the Messiah is a significant one in both Judaism and Christianity, but I think it was in my Apocalypse class in college that I learned what it actually means, and how the concept developed, particularly in the context … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Cults, History, Judaism, Religion, Zoroastrianism | Tagged ahura mazda, angra mainyu, antiochus epiphanes, bethlehem, book of enoch, cyrus the great, daniel, david koresh, enoch, gospel of john, gospel of luke, gospel of matthew, gospels, jesus, king david, maccabees, messiah, messianic age, prophecy, resurrection, second coming, son of man, talmud |

The Dragon and the Maiden

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, by Patricia Wrede – This is a series of four books: Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Talking to Dragons. The last was actually the first written, but after Wrede was convinced … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Fairy Tales, History, Magic, Middle East, Religion | Tagged bible, calling on dragons, dealing with dragons, dragons, gospel of john, gospels, jesus, lesley hazleton, mary, patricia wrede, protoevangelium of james, rumpelstiltskin, searching for dragons, talking to dragons, the enchanted forest chronicles, virgin mary, witches, wizards |

Programming in Paschal

Easter, as the Church Fathers rather confusingly decided, is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Well, to be totally technical about it, I believe it’s after the first full moon after 21 … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Easter, Holidays, Judaism, Passover, Religion | Tagged bible, crucifixion, gospel of john, gospels, jesus, julian calendar, pharisees, pontius pilate, resurrection, sadducees, seder, spring, vernal equinox |

From Carpenter to Creator

How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee, by Bart D. Erhman – Erhman, a scholar of early Christianity and a former fundamentalist who’s now an agnostic, has written several informative and enjoyable books on Biblical … Continue reading →

Posted in Book Reviews, Christianity, Judaism, Religion | Tagged angels, bart ehrman, bible, gospel of john, gospels, how jesus became god, jesus, logos, messiah, monotheism, plato, proverbs, st. paul, Synoptic Gospels |

Holy Family Reunion

I’ve examined Jesus’ immediate family before, but what about beyond that? John 19:25 refers to a woman named Mary of Clopas, called as Jesus’ “mother’s sister,” being present at the crucifixion. But since his mother was named Mary, does that … Continue reading →

Posted in Catharism, Catholicism, Christianity, Conspiracy Theories, Gnosticism, Holidays, Religion | Tagged bible, clopas, dan brown, emperor domitian, genealogy, gospel of john, gospel of luke, gospel of matthew, gospels, hegesippus, immaculate conception, james the just, jesus, john the baptist, joseph of arimathea, king david, mary magdalene, mary of clopas, merovingians, simeon, the da vinci code, the holy blood and the holy grail, virgin mary, zoker and james |

Aristotle, Aristotle Was a Beggar for the Bottle

One interesting concept that I hadn’t really thought about until seeing mentions of it on the Internet is that of how science differs from reason. The two work in tandem, of course, but reason is an internalized process, while science … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Greek Philosophy, Philosophy, Religion, Science | Tagged adam and eve, aristotle, gospel of john, gravity, logos, plato, reason |

So Much for My Happy Ending

This comic got me thinking about stock openings and closings for fairy tales, particularly the latter. I’m terrible at coming up with endings. You may have noticed that a lot of my posts end pretty abruptly. Anyway, the “happily ever … Continue reading →

Posted in Comics, Fairy Tales, L. Frank Baum, Oz, Oz Authors | Tagged american fairy tales, bible, brothers grimm, dinosaur comics, endings, gospel of john, hansel and gretel, jesus, the glass dog |

Jesus Died for YOU (But Not You, Personally)

Since it’s Sunday (okay, it’s Monday, but close enough), I figured I might as well write about a few things that I fail to understand about Christianity. One is the idea of free will. Not that I don’t BELIEVE in … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Religion | Tagged belief, bible, free will, gospel of john, gospel of mark, gospel of matthew, harry potter and the deathly hallows, hell, jesus, leviticus, pluralism, sacrifice, scapegoat, sin, voldemort |

Philo’s Cabinet

This week’s important personage in the history of religion is someone I can’t recall having learned about prior to reading about him in a book a few months ago, but what I learned about him there made me wonder why … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Historical Personages, History, Judaism, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged aristotle, gospel of john, jesus, logos, moses, paul of tarsus, philo of alexandria, plato, pythagoras, stoicism, theory of the forms |

The One-Way Street to Salvation

One quote I hear pretty often on the Christian radio stations is from John 14:6: “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Considering how much of your act you ripped off from earlier philosophers and religious leaders, Jesus, … Continue reading →

Posted in Buddhism, Christianity, Greek Mythology, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Mythology, Religion, Roman | Tagged atheism, bible, cybele, elysian fields, gospel of john, heaven, jesus, radio, roman empire, zeus |