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Idris Lives

It’s a common theme in many mythologies to have a figure who is regarded as the inventor of writing, and often also a keeper of esoteric knowledge. Greek mythology had Hermes, the Egyptians had Thoth, Babylon had Nabu, and Judaism … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Arabian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek Mythology, Islam, Judaism, Language, Magic, Mathematics, Mythology, Names, Norse, Philosophy, Poetry, Religion, Technology | Tagged alexander romances, alexander the great, andreas, angels, azrael, babylon, bible, death, enoch, genesis, heaven, heimdall, hell, hermes, hermes trismegistus, idris, idris elba, immortality, Marvel Cinematic Universe, muhammad, nabu, noah, prophets, pyramids, quran, rigspala, seth, thoth, writing |