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Tag Archives: kabbalah

Dibs on the Dybbuk

I saw some mention of a dybbuk box this past weekend, and it sounded familiar. From what I found when I looked it up, a dybbuk box is actually quite new, but a dybbuk is very old. It’s a spirit … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Dreams, Judaism, Monsters, Mythology, Religion | Tagged demons, dybbuk box, dybbuks, exorcism, ghosts, gilgul neshamot, ibburs, jesus, kabbalah, kevin mannis, messianic age, possession, rabbi isaac luria, reincarnation, spirits |

Holy Ghost in the Machine

It’s a well-known fact that, back in the earlier days of Nintendo, they censored a lot of religious references in the English translations of games. It’s stated here that their policy was to exclude “symbols that are related to any … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Greek Mythology, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Magic, Mythology, Religion, Video Games, Zelda, Zoroastrianism | Tagged a link to the past, alltrades abbey, bible, celestria, censorship, corvus, crosses, devils, divinegon, dragon quest iii, dragon quest iv, dragon quest ix, dragon quest vi, dragon quest vii, farore, fiend, final fantasy vi, goddess, hades, hera, hylia, hyrule, jesus, kabbalah, kefka, nayru, nintendo, odin, oracle of ages, oracle of seasons, poseidon, rubiss, satan, sephiroth, sophia, temple of dharma, tetsuya nomura, triforce, warring triad, zenith dragon, zenithia, zenus, zeus, zurvan |

Son of a Snake

One odd Biblical interpretation that I’ve come across occasionally is the Serpent-Seed Doctrine, which basically says that Eve had sex with the snake. While this idea is first known to have shown up in the ninth century, it’s been said … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Mythology, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged adam and eve, alexander the great, antisemitism, bible, cain and abel, garden of eden, genesis, kabbalah, kenites, olympias, racism, satan, serpent-seed doctrine, serpents, snakes, tubal-cain |

Noah’s Fludde on Ice

The upcoming Noah movie sounds like it could be quite interesting. Beth is a big fan of Darren Aronofsky, and she appreciates the bleakness of his movies. While I’m not so much about that, I liked the films of his … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Greek Mythology, Judaism, Mythology, Religion, Semitic | Tagged abraham, bible, darren aronofsky, flood, genesis, jewish encyclopedia, kabbalah, moses, noah, noah's ark, paramount pictures, sin, sodom, zeus, zohar hadash |

A Whole New Kabbalah Game

After coming across the news that Rabbi Philip Berg, the guy who taught Kabbalah to Madonna and other celebrities, died yesterday, I thought I’d take a look at what Kabbalah actually is. I had been under the impression that it … Continue reading →

Posted in Final Fantasy, Judaism, Magic, Religion, Video Games | Tagged demons, kabbalah, madonna, new age, numerology, rabbi philip berg, sefirot, sephiroth, spirituality, torah, yoga |