king minos of crete – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: king minos of crete

Lady of the Labyrinth

Seems like I’ve mostly just been writing book reviews on here recently. I have another one pretty much ready to go, minus pictures and links, but I wanted to break it up a bit. So here’s something mythology-related I’ve been … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Families, Feminism, Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology, Relationships, Roman | Tagged achilles, aeetes, aphrodite, ares, argonauts, ariadne, artemis, circe, crete, dionysus, dioscuri, europa, gorgons, harmonia, helen of troy, helios, hephaestus, heracles, hercules, iphicles, karl kerenyi, king minos of crete, labyrinth, medea, minotaur, oceanus, oenopion, orphic mysteries, perse, persephone, perseus, phanos, proserpina, rhadmanthus, robert graves, semele, staphylos, tethys, theseus, titans, zeus |

These Judges Are Such Cretans

When the world of the dead is presented as a place of reward or punishment, as has become pretty standard, that generally means that someone has to decide who goes where. The Underworld of Greek mythology came to have three … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Art, Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology, Poetry, Roman, Video Games | Tagged achilles, aegina, aeneid, alcmene, androgeos, ants, apollo, apollodorus, arabian nights, aristophanes, bulls, cadmus, cerberus, cyclopes, daedalus, dante alighieri, divine comedy, eleusinian mysteries, elysian fields, europa, fortunate isles, hades, helios, hell, hera, hercules, inferno, king aeacus of aegina, king aeetes of colchis, king asterion of crete, king minos of crete, kronos, law, minotaur, myrmidons, nymphs, odysseus, odyssey, pasiphae, patroclus, peleus, plato, polyphemus, poseidon, rhadamanthus, sarpedon, sinbad the sailor, the frogs, theseus, triptolemus, trojan war, underworld, virgil, zeus, zork |

Attention Britomart Shoppers

I sometimes note down myths or mythical figures I think might make for interesting posts, and one I’ve had as a possibility for a while is Britomartis. The name sounds like the United Kingdom’s equivalent of Walmart, but it’s actually … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged artemis, britomart, britomartis, crete, diktynna, edmund spenser, europa, faerie queene, king minos of crete, nymphs, zeus |

Burn Up the Old, Ring in the New

I have to say that I find the notion of religious sacrifice to be rather interesting. I don’t mean sacrifice in the broadest sense of simply giving up something you care about, but the offering of objects, animals, and sometimes … Continue reading →

Posted in Food, Greek Mythology, Islam, Judaism, Mythology, Religion | Tagged abraham, abraham's curse, animal sacrifice, bible, bruce chilton, guilt, human sacrifice, iphigenia, isaac, ishmael, jephthah, king minos of crete, poseidon, prometheus, ritual, sacrifice, zeus |