menstruation – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Attack of the Puberty Panda
Turning Red – This is the first Pixar film to be directed solely by a woman, and it explores the familiar themes of the awkwardness of adolescence and trying to fit in with an overbearing family. That it uses menstruation … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Art, Cartoons, Families, Health, Magic, Monsters, Music, Relationships, Religion, Revisiting Disney, Sexuality, VoVat Goes to the Movies | Tagged 4*town, adolescence, billie eilish, boy bands, kaiju, menstruation, pixar, puberty, red pandas, turning red |
The Big Big Whoredom
There often seems to be an undercurrent of fear of female sexuality in religion and mythology. It isn’t always that direct, and sometimes male sexuality isn’t viewed that positively either, but it’s pretty blatant sometimes. The idea of the whore … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Focus on the Foes, Gender, Health, History, Judaism, Language, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Persian, Religion, Roman Empire, Sexuality, They Might Be Giants, Video Games, Zoroastrianism | Tagged adultery, ahura mazda, angra mainyu, babylon, bible, demons, gavaevodata, golem, jahi, jeh, jesus, john of patmos, mark of the beast, menstruation, prostitution, revelation, rome, shin megami tensei, snakes, whore of babylon |