moses maimonides – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Boots the Bishop and the Dumb Ox

Maimonides, whom I addressed last week, was a major influence on Christian thought as well as Jewish. This seems to have been largely through two famous Christian admirers of his work, Albertus Magnus and his student Thomas Aquinas. In the … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Greek Philosophy, Historical Personages, History, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged albertus magnus, alchemy, aristotle, dominican order, first cause, moses maimonides, thomas aquinas, unmoved mover |


One theme that constantly arises in theology is whether reason and philosophy conflict with religious belief. There seems to be a significant movement in the United States in favor of willful ignorance, that faith is much more important than facts. … Continue reading →

Posted in Arabian, Greek Philosophy, Historical Personages, History, Judaism, Middle East, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged almohads, aristotle, grand vizier alfadil, guide for the perplexed, mishneh torah, moses maimonides, philo of alexandria, rabbi moshe ben maimon, rambam, saladin |