mount olympus – VoVatia (original) (raw)
The Lady’s in Hades
I’ve written a bit about Battle of Olympus before. My family rented it a few times in my childhood but could never get too far in it, maybe as far as the first Cyclops. In terms of gameplay, it was … Continue reading →
Posted in African, Animals, Castlevania, Comics, Dragon Quest, Egyptian, Final Fantasy, Greek Mythology, Kid Icarus, Magic, Maps, Medicine, Metroid, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Names, Video Games, Zelda | Tagged achilles, angel land, anubis, atari, battle of olympus, bears, broderbund, castlevania ii: simon's quest, cerberus, chocobos, clash of the titans, cyclopes, dragon quest vi, dragons, eurydice, hades, helen of troy, hydra, isis, kid icarus uprising, lamia, medusa, minotaur, monkeys, mount olympus, ocarina, orpheus, pegasus, persephone, ray harryhausen, riddle of the sphinx, satyrs, snakes, talos, underworld |
Video World Tour
I recently came across this old Metroid discussion forum topic about the location in Captain N actually CALLED “Metroid.” Within the game, a Metroid is an organism, not a place. Their home world is the planet SR-388. Captain N tended … Continue reading →
Posted in Captain N: The Game Master, Cartoons, Castlevania, Comics, Donkey Kong, Dragon Quest, Kid Icarus, Maps, Mario, Mega Man, Metroid, Television, Video Games, Wizards & Warriors, Zelda | Tagged alefgard, banjo-kazooie, dracula, hyrule, kongoland, kraid, link, medusa, mother brain, mount olympus, mushroom world, pit, puss 'n boots, ridley, robin hood, sr-388, videoland, zebes |
A Dogma in the Fight
Do science and religion contradict each other? On the face of it, I’d say no. Science is a way of finding out about how the world operates through observation and experimentation, and religion is a belief that the universe is … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Evolution, Greek Mythology, Greek Philosophy, Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Science | Tagged apollo, aristotle, bible, claudius ptolemy, creationism, dogma, galileo galilei, geocentrism, heliocentrism, helios, israel, jesus, lightning, mount olympus, science and religion, sun, zeus |