myrmecoleons – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Anthony’s Animals, Part 2: Plus Plants

Continuing from my earlier post on fantastic beings in Gustave Flaubert’s The Temptation of Saint Anthony, here are a few other sorts of mythical animals who appear but don’t get lines: a Tragelaphus, Myrmecoles, Askar, Pastincaca, Presteros, Mirag, Phalamant, Senad, … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Animals, Arabian, Art, Chinese, Dragon Quest, Egyptian, Final Fantasy, Islam, Japanese, L. Frank Baum, Monsters, Mythology, Oz, Oz Authors, Poetry, Pokémon, Religion, Video Games | Tagged aksar, alexander the great, antelopes, antlions, apocalypse, askar, asps, bears, bestiaries, bunicorns, cebus, cecil harvey, cepub, cepus, clark ashton smith, dabbat al-ardd, dedaim trees, diodorus siculus, dipsas, dorothy and the wizard in oz, dragons, eggsecutor, exeggcute, final fantasy iv, gustave flaubert, hell, horned rabbits, jimenju, kesrick, king solomon, lin carter, mangaboos, miraj, monkeys, moses, muhammad, myrmecoleons, pastinaca, phalmant, pliny the elder, presteros, quran, rabbits, ring of solomon, rosa joanna farrell, samuel bochart, senad, sinad, snakes, the garden of adompha, the temptation of saint anthony, tragelaphus, waq-waq tree, weasels, yokai, zabraq, zaqqum tree |