necrosword – VoVatia (original) (raw)
New York Abstains
SPOILER WARNING for everything contained herein. Thor: Love and Thunder – I was looking forward to seeing this one, and while it was enjoyable enough, I felt like there just wasn’t that much there. It combines two stories, that of … Continue reading →
Posted in american revolution, Animals, Arabian, Comics, Greek Mythology, History, Holidays, Humor, Music, Mythology, Norse, Politics, Prejudice, Television, VoVat Goes to the Movies | Tagged 1776, afterlife, asgard, baldur, captain marvel, carol danvers, clandestines, death, declaration of independence, eternals, goats, gorr the god butcher, guardians of the galaxy, indepdence day, indigarrians, inhumans, jane foster, jinn, kamala khan, korg, kronans, Marvel Cinematic Universe, marvel comics, ms. marvel, necrosword, odin, omnipotence, omnipotence city, president john adams, president thomas jefferson, ragnarok, richard henry lee, russell crowe, second continental congress, sherman edwards, slavery, the god butcher, thor, thor love and thunder, valhalla, valkyrie, weapons, william daniels, x-men, zeus |