old man winter – VoVatia (original) (raw)

A Frosty Reception

Since our President-Elect is in love with Vladimir Putin and insists that everyone should constantly say “Merry Christmas,” I guess we’d better learn about Christmas in Russia, right? It might seem a little late for this, but Orthodox Christmas is … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Authors, Christianity, Christmas, Discworld, Eastern Orthodox, Fairy Tales, History, Holidays, Mythology, New Year's Day, Religion, Russian, Terry Pratchett | Tagged baba yaga, ded moroz, epiphany, father christmas, father frost, jack frost, morozko, nikolai rimsky-korsakov, old man winter, orthodox christmas, santa claus, snegurochka, wintersmith |

Who Has Seen the Wind?

In classical mythology, most natural phenomena were either personified themselves or seen as the tools of a deity, if not both. The winds were no exception, and in Greco-Roman mythology, there were four of them. I’m no meteorologist, but can’t … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Greek Mythology, Heroes of Olympus, Mythology, Oz, Religion, Rick Riordan | Tagged aeolus, anemoi, apollo, astraeos, astraeus, bible, boreas, calais, chloris, cleopatra, east wind, eos, euros, eurus, four winds, frank joslyn baum, gigantes, gospels, harpies, helios, horses, hyacinthus, hyperborea, icetown, irenaeus, iris, khione, north wind, notos, notus, odysseus, odyssey, old man winter, oreithyia of athens, pausanias, podarge, rachel cosgrove payes, rosine, snowmen, south wind, swift v. breezy, the hidden valley of oz, the laughing dragon of oz, the lost hero, thrace, titans, venti, winds, zephyros, zephyrus, zetes |