phosphorus – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Three Birds and One Stone
I’ve been meaning to take a closer look at some of the stories in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but my mind tends to get a lot of them mixed up. Someone does something to offend the gods, and is turned into something … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged aeolus, alcyone, apollo, artemis, broteas, ceyx, chione, chloris, cybele, daedalion, halcyon birds, hawks, hera, hermes, hubris, hypnos, kingfishers, leto, manisa relief, meliboea, metamorphoses, morpheus, mount parnassus, mount sipylus, niobe, ovid, pelops, phosphorus, suicide, tantalus, transformation, weeping rock, zeus |
Dawn, Go Away, I’m No Good for You
It’s kind of weird starting a post on this topic after eight at night, but one Greco-Roman deity I don’t think I’ve addressed before is Eos, known in Latin as Aurora, goddess of the dawn. She was considered a Titan, … Continue reading →
Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology, Uncategorized | Tagged achilles, aeaea, aphrodite, apollonius of rhodes, ares, astraeus, aurora, cephalus, cepheus, circe, cleitus, crius, dawn, dusk, emathion, eos, ethiopia, eurybia, helios, hercules, hesperus, hyperion, laomedon of troy, lucifer, memnon, moon, orion, phaethon, phosphorus, priam of troy, procris, selene, sun, theia, titans, tithonus, trojan war, venus, vesper, zeus |