polyphemus – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: polyphemus

These Judges Are Such Cretans

When the world of the dead is presented as a place of reward or punishment, as has become pretty standard, that generally means that someone has to decide who goes where. The Underworld of Greek mythology came to have three … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Art, Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology, Poetry, Roman, Video Games | Tagged achilles, aegina, aeneid, alcmene, androgeos, ants, apollo, apollodorus, arabian nights, aristophanes, bulls, cadmus, cerberus, cyclopes, daedalus, dante alighieri, divine comedy, eleusinian mysteries, elysian fields, europa, fortunate isles, hades, helios, hell, hera, hercules, inferno, king aeacus of aegina, king aeetes of colchis, king asterion of crete, king minos of crete, kronos, law, minotaur, myrmidons, nymphs, odysseus, odyssey, pasiphae, patroclus, peleus, plato, polyphemus, poseidon, rhadamanthus, sarpedon, sinbad the sailor, the frogs, theseus, triptolemus, trojan war, underworld, virgil, zeus, zork |

Put a Zork in It

I remember seeing magazine ads for Zork and other text-based adventure games when I was a kid, and thought they seemed pretty fascinating. I never actually got to play any of them at the time, though. I don’t think they … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Authors, Douglas Adams, Games, Greek Mythology, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Humor, J.R.R. Tolkien, L. Frank Baum, Lewis Carroll, Magic, Maps, Monsters, Mythology, Oz, Oz Authors, Video Games, William Shakespeare | Tagged alice's adventures in wonderland, bats, cassius, colossal cave adventure, cyclops, dante alighieri, divine comedy, don woods, dungeons, dungeons and dragons, flatheads, glinda of oz, great underground empire, grues, hades, hell, hunt the wumpus, inferno, infocom, jack vance, julius caesar, lucien kaine, odysseus, odyssey, polyphemus, swords, the dying earth, the zork anthology, weapons, will crowther, wizards, zork, zork i, zork ii |

Sea Monster Mania

Although Poseidon is the best known of the Greek sea deities, there were plenty of others lurking under the water. Two who put in an appearance in Rick Riordan’s The Mark of Athena are Phorcys and Keto, children of Oceanus … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, Monsters, Mythology | Tagged echidna, gorgons, graeae, keto, oceanus, phorcys, polyphemus, poseidon, scylla, tethys, thoosa, typhon |

I’m Not Ulysses

Having been a fan of Greek mythology since childhood, I had always meant to read the work of Homer, but I somehow never got around to it. I was given a copy of the Odyssey, translated by the late Robert … Continue reading →

Posted in Book Reviews, Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged calypso, charybdis, circe, cyclops, homer, iliad, l. frank baum, nymphs, odysseus, odyssey, ogygia, phaiakians, polyphemus, robert fitzgerald, ruth plumly thompson, scylla, sirens, ulysses, zeus |

The Wrath of King Neptune

I was originally thinking of profiling Krishna this weekend, but seeing the Percy Jackson movie reminded me that I don’t think I’d ever done a proper post on Poseidon (or Zeus, for that matter, but he’ll have to wait, unless … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, Mythology, Roman | Tagged alodae, amphitrite, antaeus, arion, athena, athens, cyclopes, demeter, gaea, giants, homer, horse latitudes, horses, kronos, merfolk, neptune, nethuns, odysseus, odyssey, polyphemus, poseidon, rhea, trident, triton, zeus |

Going Nowhere

I’m not sure where the joke of making Nowhere a physical place and/or Nobody a person originated. I guess there was a variety on that sort of joke in the Odyssey, when Odysseus told Polyphemus his name was Nobody. Sir … Continue reading →

Posted in Characters, Oz, Places | Tagged breakfast the bananny goat, captain salt, david perry, dismocolese, dragons, humpty bumpty, king ato, marvelous travels on a wish, nobody, nowhere, odysseus, pirates in oz, polyphemus, queen else, ruth plumly thompson, somewhere, the enchanted island of oz, through the looking-glass, white king |