pope francis i – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Tag Archives: pope francis i

Pray Away the Gay-Bashers

I just came across a link to this article on Facebook today. Seems that, despite Pope Francis’ insistence that he’s in no position to judge homosexuals, some of the cardinals are quite willing to do just that. Cardinal Raymond Burke … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Comics, Conspiracy Theories, Current Events, Families, Fundamentalism, Jack Chick, Prejudice, Relationships, Religion | Tagged bestiality, cardinal raymond burke, gay agenda, homophobia, homosexuality, jerry springer, pedophilia, pope francis i |

But We Think That We’re Above the Pigs, Sheep, Cows

Looks like Pope Francis, while pretty liberal in some areas, thinks it’s terrible when people don’t have children. I have to say the insistence of some religions on being fruitful and multiplying strikes me as a bit out of date. … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Catholicism, Christianity, Current Events, Economics, Families, Hinduism, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged adam and eve, bible, children, genesis, karma, pope francis i, souls, st. francis of assisi, xenophanes |

Pope Frankie Says Relax

The title for this post comes courtesy of my wife, who thought it would make a good caption for a picture of the Pope. It’s well known that Pope Francis declared that even atheists could get into Heaven, although that’s … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Religion | Tagged age of accountability, atheism, dante alighieri, father rosica, heaven, hell, inferno, jesus, limbo, pope francis i |

Meet the New Pope, Same as the Old Pope

We have a new pope! And when I say “we,” I mean “the Catholic Church,” of which I am not a member. So “we” might not be the most appropriate pronoun to use, but the non-Catholic among us were inundated … Continue reading →