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Tag Archives: prostitution

Do the Wrong Thing

I’ve been thinking a bit about morality in video games, partially due to seeing another mention of how the Grand Theft Auto games, and I think some others of the sort as well, let you brutally murder prostitutes and perform … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Mario, Monsters, Prejudice, Sims, Ultima, Video Games, Zelda | Tagged dogs, dragonlord, duck hunt, final fantasy vi, glory of heracles, grand theft auto, leucos, link's awakening, locke cole, lord british, maniac mansion, misogyny, morality, paper mario: the thousand-year door, penguins, princess gwaelin, prostitution, richard garriott, secret of evermore, stealing, super mario 64, super mario bros. 3, super mario world, super paper mario, the sims, toad, ultima iii: exodus, ultima iv: quest of the avatar, undertale, violence |

The Big Big Whoredom

There often seems to be an undercurrent of fear of female sexuality in religion and mythology. It isn’t always that direct, and sometimes male sexuality isn’t viewed that positively either, but it’s pretty blatant sometimes. The idea of the whore … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Focus on the Foes, Gender, Health, History, Judaism, Language, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Persian, Religion, Roman Empire, Sexuality, They Might Be Giants, Video Games, Zoroastrianism | Tagged adultery, ahura mazda, angra mainyu, babylon, bible, demons, gavaevodata, golem, jahi, jeh, jesus, john of patmos, mark of the beast, menstruation, prostitution, revelation, rome, shin megami tensei, snakes, whore of babylon |

This Matrimony Is Full of Holes!

I seem to recall reading that the phrase “sanctity of marriage” wasn’t used until fairly recently, and was pretty much just a response to how marriage is changing in our society. That must not be entirely true, because a quick … Continue reading →

Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Economics, Families, Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Mythology, Relationships, Religion | Tagged adam and eve, adultery, bible, deuteronomy, exodus, gay marriage, genesis, homosexuality, hymen, jesus, leviticus, marriage, prostitution, reproduction, sacraments, sanctity of marriage |

Priestesses and Prostitutes

One rather controversial idea presented in a book I read recently was that temple prostitution didn’t actually exist. I’m not sure if she was referring just to the Arabian Peninsula, or proposing that it didn’t happen anywhere. There’s apparently a … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, History, Judaism, Middle East, Mythology, Religion, Semitic, Sexuality | Tagged enkidu, epic of gilgamesh, herodotus, inanna, prostitution, sacred marriage, sacred prostitution, sex, temple prostitution, vestal virgins |