random frequent flyer dent – VoVatia (original) (raw)

The Trouble with Trillian

I haven’t gotten much response to my recent Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy posts, but I’m writing another one anyway. After all, it’s a series with a consistent popularity, and maybe somebody will want to read these in the future. … Continue reading →

Posted in Authors, Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Tagged algol, and another thing..., arthur dent, betelgeuse, eoin colfer, ford prefect, heart of gold, infinite improbability drive, life the universe and everything, lintilla, mostly harmless, random frequent flyer dent, rula lenska, sandra dickinson, trillian astra, wowbagger the infinitely prolonged, zaphod beeblebrox, zooey deschanel |