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Tag Archives: rome

The Big Big Whoredom

There often seems to be an undercurrent of fear of female sexuality in religion and mythology. It isn’t always that direct, and sometimes male sexuality isn’t viewed that positively either, but it’s pretty blatant sometimes. The idea of the whore … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Focus on the Foes, Gender, Health, History, Judaism, Language, Monsters, Music, Mythology, Persian, Religion, Roman Empire, Sexuality, They Might Be Giants, Video Games, Zoroastrianism | Tagged adultery, ahura mazda, angra mainyu, babylon, bible, demons, gavaevodata, golem, jahi, jeh, jesus, john of patmos, mark of the beast, menstruation, prostitution, revelation, rome, shin megami tensei, snakes, whore of babylon |

Give Me Your Tyred, Your Punic

Carthage is remembered these days as the main enemy of the ever-expanding Romans in the third and second centuries BC. The two burgeoning empires fought the three Punic Wars, the second of which was when Hannibal launched his unsuccessful campaign … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, History, Middle East, Mythology, Roman, Roman Empire, Semitic | Tagged acerbas, aeneas, aeneid, africa proconsularis, anna perenna, baal, baal hammon, carthage, dido, flavius josephus, hannibal, iarbas, jezebel, juno, jupiter, mattan of tyre, melqart, menander of ephesus, mercury, ovid, phoenicia, punic wars, pygmalion, rome, trojan war, troy, tunisia, tyre, venus, virgil |

A Trojan in Italy

Does the Aeneid count as Homeric fanfiction? I mean, it pretty much follows up the Iliad and Odyssey exactly, using some of the same characters and situations. Like Odysseus, Aeneas encounters Polyphemus the Cyclops and visits the world of the … Continue reading →

Posted in Book Reviews, Greek Mythology, History, Mythology, Roman, Roman Empire | Tagged aeneas, aeneid, caesar augustus, carthage, dido, rome, trojan war, troy, turnus, tyre, virgil |

Not Built in a Day

Since the date of our New Year dates back to the Romans, what better to write about today than the myths surrounding the founding of Rome? Of course, the year didn’t start on the first of January at that point. … Continue reading →

Posted in Greek Mythology, History, Mythology, Roman | Tagged acca larentia, achises, aeneas, aeneid, alba longa, amulius, aphrodite, ares, ascanius, brutus of britain, creusa, dardania, faustulus, homer, iliad, julius caesar, latinus, lavinia, lupa, mars, moses, numitor, odyssey, remus, rhea silvia, roman senate, rome, romulus, sargon, trojan war, troy, venus, vestal virgins, virgil |

Hot for Jesus

The Bible tends to be rather quiet on the subject of appearances. About the most we’re told about a Biblical figure, as far as I can remember, is that Elisha was bald. Oh, and Esau is covered in red hair. … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Christianity, History, Religion | Tagged augustine of hippo, bible, elisha, esau, ethiopia, iconography, isaiah, james the just, jerome, jesus, jupiter, justin, paul of tarsus, revelation, rome, st. peter, tertullian |