scissor man – VoVatia (original) (raw)

You May Find Important Pieces Gone

Cautionary tales to try to convince children to behave seem to be pretty much universal, even though it’s quite possible they do more harm than good. I’ve written before about boogeyman legends, and along much the same lines is the … Continue reading →

Posted in Authors, Discworld, Fairy Tales, Family Guy, Humor, Jasper Fforde, Monsters, Music, Nursery Crime, Television, Terry Pratchett, XTC | Tagged bogeyman, boogeyman, cautionary tales, der struwwelpeter, dr. heinrich hoffmann, edward scissorhands, hogfather, lustige geschichten und drollige bilder, scissor man, shock-headed peter, the fourth bear |

There May Be a Boogeyman or Boogeymen in the House

Picture by Andrew L. Paciorek The Boogeyman, more traditionally spelled “Bogeyman,” does not seem to be a reference to any specific monster, but rather to any scary creature that is either the product of a child’s imagination or used by … Continue reading →

Posted in British, Discworld, Fairy Tales, Mythology, Terry Pratchett | Tagged bogeyman, boggart, bogle, boogeyman, fairies, hogfather, monsters, oogie boogie, reaper man, scissor man, the nightmare before christmas, tooth fairy |